Monday 27 February 2012

Oh Lord.

Once again.. It's been a few days since the last post. But I figured, that I don't really do much other than work and spend time with people, that it really doesn't make sense to post every day. It'll just say the same shit right? Or maybe not.

We did some relaxing. B went to work that morning and we left for our get-away as soon as he finished. I've never driven that far before, so that was already a new experience.. Everything went fine and we got to Vaasa.. Alive. We drove straight through town to the hotel and checked in. We checked out the room and almost immediately headed for the spa. We had a great time swimming and relaxing in the different jacuzzis. There were a lot of kids around, so we decided to only float around for a couple of hours, go get some food and resume the relaxing in the morning.

We ate some food, not very healthy food, but I figured we'd swim a lot and that burns calories right? So I ate some unhealthy food and then we popped into town for a little bit. With "popping-into-town" I mean, we went to drive around, trying to figure out where we could possibly get some beer from to take back to the hotel room.. And the challenge wasn't finding somewhere that sells beer, it was the fact that I was driving a car twice the size I was used to, so no idea how to park it in a tight space.. Once we got that done, back to the hotel we went. It didn't take a long time for me to fall asleep. 

Woke up at 7 am and went down for breakfast. It was awesome. Healthier as well. Ate our tummies full, went back to the room and back in the water. Swam for a couple of hours before it was time for us to leave. Got our stuff and started the long drive back home. Stopped to eat on the way back (not healthy food, I might add). So to sum it all up, I didn't eat healthy food, did some exercise (swimming) and had an absolutely amazing time with the love of my life! I really recommend a get-away for all you busy people out there.

I've been working everyday since then. Our full-time is sick, so I'm covering for him. He was off all week last week and at least today. Don't know about tomorrow yet.. I don't know if I really want to work on my BDay but I guess it's fine coz no one else will be able to work and I don't want to leave J alone. For one, it's not nice being here alone all day, especially if it's quiet and two, he won't have any breaks and wont even be able to eat lunch. Not nice at all. So I'll come in if he needs me to.

I finally had enough of my phone. I think it really had something bad wrong with it, and yesterday I decided to empty the whole thing. I didn't back anything up to restore (I already have all my photos and videos on the PC) because I really think starting over with the phone and everything in it, is the best approach. And now it's working like a dream again. Fuck yeah.

Spent my Saturday night as the designated driver. Made a whole bunch of new friends as well. The Irish are crazy, all though the Girl seemed quite down to earth and really nice, and I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of each other before she goes back to Ireland, in August. G hooked up with some Finnish woman he'd met the previous weekend, and we were sure he was doing some nasty things with her, right there in the bar toilet. But he didn't spill the beans, he was that much of a gentleman. I had a really nice time, especially with my brother who is one of the funniest people I know. He really is the greatest!

Now it's time for me to start my working day. Today is probably going to be quite a quiet day, so we'll see, I might post more on my lunch break. Have a great day!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

What is the point?

What is the point with the sun shining and melting the snow, if it's only going to snow more straight after and then be freezing again? I thought it was something like; snow - cold - cold - snow - cold - sun - snow melting - sun - slush - SPRING. But no. Frustrating to know that even if the snow starts melting, it's not a sign of spring, at least not until next month. Which starts in like a week. Fuck Yeah.

I'm all packed and ready for our little get away. Need to change cars and that's about it. Packed our bathing suits last night, along with the other necessities like change in clothes and conditioner. That kind of water isn't good for anybodys hair.

I also realized, that I don't have to do my exercise today! I'll be swimming for a couple of hours and it's equal to the exercise I would've done at home. At least I think so.. I read this thing online claiming that swimming is helpful when you're trying to lose weight, so I chose to believe it, and I'll do my best to make it count. 

Watching my lazy cat sleep on the rug next to me. Cats have it so easy. Choose who you love and then just sleep close to those people. That's about it. They don't have to deal with relationship drama or family drama, or any other types of problems. I'd love to be a cat in the next life. That would be awesome.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Some people treat you badly and then expect you to treat them fairly, because it's what they deserve. I could tell you what those people really deserve, but then this post would only be about them and not about me, and that is something they definitely don't deserve. So fuck them.

T called in sick for the whole week so I'll be working. I was supposed to work yesterday but I had plans with E, and we ended up having a really nice day and I managed to find a few things I really liked. Also, I'm a bit ashamed to admit, I found some more stuff for the baby. DIY Maternity Package - project has officially begun.

Today I'm working, but had to take care of a personal errand so won't be going back in until after four. And thursday after I take B to work, I need to go in myself.. But only for a few hours, since I won't be back in Kokkola until two in the afternoon. Good times.

One last note on the first subject.. I never thought this would last as long as it has, or get this bad, but now that it has, at least now I've seen their true colours. Something positive in everything. But I won't treat them with kindness since that's not what I'm getting, and that's the last of it.

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Sunday 19 February 2012


That is what we're going on next Wednesday. It's gonna be cool in the literal sense, to drive all the way to Vaasa with the windows open. Well at least we get to go. B is really excited, and so am I. It's probably not going to be as pretty (the scenery I mean) as in this picture, but hopefully it won't snow either.

It is snowing like crazy now. It's awful to drive in this blizzard, especially with it also snowing inside the car.

I reached my goals in work. Fucking awesome :) I'm off til next month now. Gonna have some time to catch up on my reading and programs and piano etc. While on the subject, I'm nearly finished with the current True Blood book. I think it's either the fifth or the sixth one.. I'm going through them like they're going out of fashion. Have to get the Vampire Diaries books before I finish the True Blood series, to have something else to read straight after I finish..

I could say, I haven't had time to blog but that would be half of a lie. I have had time but the time has been spent reading or doing something else "useful". Will try and be better with the blogging from now on.

Quick update: still going strong with the diet and exercise. Even without the support from my family, I've found that I can do this all on my own. But without the constant cheering on from the lovely E and my babe B, it would definitely be harder. Thank you <3

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Tuesday 14 February 2012

Orange and Green

These are the colours I'm trying to fill my head with. They say, eating any fruit or veg which are green and/or orange in colour, are meant to keep you full for longer and they are something like 90% water so no calories. I read about this somewhere.. Can't remember where though. So I'm going to be eating a lot of cucumber and mandarins basically. Both make for good snacks so no problem there. 

Still going strong with the exercising. Have been doing more challenging stuff, like kickboxing moves or what ever it is B makes me do. They are really demanding, which I love, coz they really make you work hard. I love the feeling in my muscles after a workout.. You just know you've done something good. Anyway..

Been in work yesterday and today. I'm still in work actually, but I'm having a lunch break. I'm eating three mandarins. And drinking half a liter of water. Been aiming at three liters a day and I think I'm getting to the point that it comes naturally to drink that amount, and don't need to push it down that much anymore.

Nothing else new at the moment. Haven't really had time to do anything after work, other than the exercise. After that I jump in a cold shower and then just tend to fall back on the couch and watch SNL with B. 

Oh and it's Valentine's Day today. Not doing anything special with B. He is in work til 8 o'clock and when he gets home for about 9 o'clock, I think we might just watch a movie or something. But it's a very special day for our friends next door. They've been together for 2 years TODAY! How amazing is that?! Congratulations dear friends! Have an amazing day and I love you both! <3

Sunday 12 February 2012

Shitty Day

Today didn't play out quite as I'd planned. It's been wrong straight from the get-go and it doesn't seem to get any better. First of all, it snowed last night. Like heavy snow fall.. And of course nothing was plowed, and we had to once again walk through snow piles that were up to our ancles or maybe even higher. That part is not even the most annoying part. But enough of that.

The day continued but like I said, nothing got better.

Now I'm sat here thinking, "what the hell happened today?". I'm like.. I don't even understand it. It's surreal coz I can't remember something like this ever happening before.. Or maybe it's been such a long time since last time, that it's no longer fresh in my memory. Trust me, this will be. It's so out of the blue, that I really can't wrap my head around it and because of that, all I can do is be upset. I'm dumbfounded over what's happened and at this point, all I know is that my feelings are hurt.

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Saturday 11 February 2012


Didn't do my stepper exercise today. I thought about it long and hard, and decided to use today as my day off, since tomorrow I'm gonna carry boxes and furniture down like four flights of stairs.. And then obviously carry everything up some stairs into the new place.. No, not our new place but S and Js. It's absolutely gorgeous! Saw it for the first time today.

I've got to be careful not to turn this into some kind of diet and exercise blog, which it most certainly is not, and talk about something else for a change.

It was an OK day in work. A constant flow of people made the day interesting and I got so much closer to my goals, which is good coz I'm not working that much this month. Will have more time to concentrate on the blog? Perhaps put some more pictures on? That reminds me.. Can't wait til my birthday! Best gift ever! Obviously I don't have it in my posession yet, but it's only a matter of days now really :)

Started reading the fifth True Blood book. I'm still amazed at how different the series is to the book.. Like Jason really does change into a panther?! Even though in the program he doesn't?!? What is happening?

Will let you know how the moving went down tomorrow, if I'm still standing at the end of the day :)

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Thursday 9 February 2012

Middle Ages.

This is what it must have felt like. We have running water and don't need to heat up the house with logs of wood, but we have no electricity. And also, I have no life. As soon as the lecci turned off, I ran around for a few minutes doing the 'what's-going-on' - routine, and after that... Straight on the blog to tell you all about it. Hmph.

Our trusty maintenance guy had this perfectly good advise for us - go to bed. Obviously it makes sense, since there is nothing we can do to hurry up the lecci company, but I was at the end of the 4th True Blood book, and I was really hoping to finish it before going to bed.. Oh and it's not even half past ten.. So quite early for bed at the age of 22.

Diet is still rocking on. Had to pretend I didn't have a nose while I walked past the grill on my way home from work, and only slowly inhale through my mouth, but other than that it's all good. Today was my off day.. Meaning - No Exercise. Really living it up aren't I? Sat in a pitch black room, drumming my phone..

I just learned that there are a few other places with no electricity.. Quite a few actually. So does that mean it will take less time for the lecci Co to fix it? or longer? Don't have much experience with losing power. Oh dear, I just realized how lost I would be right now, if the battery on my phone was dead.. Holy crap.

----------> Going to bed(?) or sit here in silence(?)

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Tuesday 7 February 2012

Thank you

No more snow. Actually, there is snow but not on my path from the front door to the car. They decided to do the plowing this morning. Thank You.

Just had a nice bowl of fruit. Banana, grapes, clementine and apple. All that has a lot of natural sugars but that's ok. Not going to sweat over every little thing.. Especially after my workout. 20 minutes on the stepper sweating my ass off. 1400 steps and 196 calories gone with the sweat. Next time I'll do 1500 steps in the same frame of time, which will make me work even harder :) After skipping the exercise on sunday, I did every type of exercise I know yesterday, and now my muscles are telling me to... Do some more exercise, YES Please! Don't think so.

Started writing a list of stuff we need to get sorted out or want to buy or whatever. It's getting longer everyday, but today I got a few things sorted and now there is room for new stuff. There is always room for new stuff :)

Watching Saturday Night Live. We're both off tomorrow and I think we might do some fantasy shopping and add a few things on the list..

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Monday 6 February 2012

To Plow or Not to Plow?

That is seriously the question of the day. It's been snowing a lot and it still is.. Some snow came down yesterday, but I thought nothing of it, but now there's a lot more of the cold and wet shit people usually refer to as snow and it's still there.. Nothing has been done to remove it, and now it's seriously pissing me off. I don't want to walk through an ocean of snow on my way to the car. There is someone who is supposed to get rid of it for me, so that I never have to get my feet wet, walking the 4 metres to the car, but I think this someone is not doing their job that well..

If you live in a huge flat and only pay a fraction of the rent, in return for cutting the grass in the summer, plowing the snow in the winter and keeping the hallways clean, one would expect you to do all that.. But this is not the case. I'm as annoyed as ever to be witnessing this shitty behaviour. The lights in the hallway have been out for weeks now, and are they getting new light bulbs put in? No. The snow is piling up outside to the point that I have to plow it myself, and are they even thinking about plowing? No. The hallways haven't been cleaned for god knows how long.. This is ridiculous. I can't wait until the neighbours take over. At least then I wont lose any sleep thinking about wether or not I'm gonna be able to get out of the parking spot.


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Sunday 5 February 2012

Let it fucking snow

How is it physically possible for snow to fall down when it's this cold outside?! I was amazed when I walked out of the cinema and saw the blanket of snow, covering the car.. I thought; the land will freeze and no more snow will come. I was wrong.

Watched Mission Impossible. It came as a complete surprise to me, that Samuli Edelmann had such a big role in it. With 'big role' I of course mean, that he was in it for more than 5 minutes, which was the amount of time I'd expected him to shine. He did a great job and did us Finns proud. Playing the part of the next biggest baddie and not the baddest baddie, he still managed to kill 100% more guys than the biggest baddie. I really enjoyed this film and gladly recommend it to everyone, especially those who enjoy their action with a bit of humour :) Those of you, who haven't seen this particular movie, must think I'm crazy for saying that, a mission to stop a swedish guy trying to provoke a nuclear war, was somehow funny, but it really was.

Don't really know what the neighbours are up to or if they're up for watching a movie or something, so while I wait for them to respond to my message, I'll read a few pages of the fourth book of the True Blood Series, while enjoying a healthy bowl of fruit.

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Piece of advice..

If you have recently started a diet, do not under any circumstances, go out drinking! You will enjoy a few drinks and have a great time, but you will regret it later when you're kissing your toilet. I had all of six or seven ciders last night and came home to be sick for an hour and be up most of the night feeling fucking awful. I'm not getting a hangover. That would just be ridiculous and I've suffered enough...

I got a few hours of sleep but woke up at 3am and haven't been to bed since. I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm also not going to drink again until I'm on the better side of this diet, meaning; when I start eating "real" food again, like potatoes, rice, pasta and meat.

I'm thinking about going out on a morning walk but I'm assuming it's like minus a hundred and I'd rather not die on top of all I've been through last night. I'll just continue watching The Voice until babe wakes up.

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Friday 3 February 2012

Still Going Strong

Day Whatever of the diet. It's surprisingly easy :) Don't need to stretch my imagination too far to find fantastic tasting low carb foods that actually keeps hunger away. Actually, I decided I'd eat as soon as I got hungry and not do any kind of starvation diet. I can't stand the thought of them and for that reason, I've never tried one.

Did my stepper + weights exercise. Last time I did it, I could only do 15 minutes (the recommended time) but now I did 20 minutes and even stepped up the pace for the last minute. I was happy with myself for still having the same, if not stronger, motivation as at the start of mission impossible aka Beach Body 2012.

How nice is it to wake up early in the morning, and find out its fucking -31 outside?!? I've had enough of the cold and snow and the feeling of your lungs catching on fire when you attempt breathing outside.. Next week it will get warmer and it's one week closer to summer and for my Beach Body 2012 and... Shit. One week closer to summer and the end results of my mission. Hmm.

My mum has this thing planned out for tomorrow. It includes drinking. Actually I think most of us wont be drinking. We'll find out tomorrow. I'm working tomorrow. Whippii :) Get to see what kind of mess the boys have created for me to clean up.. Most of the things we should either do daily or weekly, wont be done and I get to do them all tomorrow. I don't mind, at least I'll have something to do all day if it's quiet :)

Watching The Voice of Finland. It's better than Idols (the finnish one) because that program is just pathetic. I seriously had to think hard about declaring myself English or any other nationality but Finnish. Seriously. What the Fuck.

Now it's been an hour since my exercise, so now I can stuff my face again with... Drumroll...... Cucumber, pineapple and cottage cheese.

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Wednesday 1 February 2012

Shiro <3

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I cried a river today.. It was just so sad saying goodbye. He was just so cute with his big blue eyes and he was completely unaware of what was gonna happen. Now he is in heaven, with Muru1 and Muru2.

I couldn't stop the tears when I got home, and now that I think about it, I think it was more like an ocean than a river.. I hope he is happy now. And I hope that S and J get a new kitten quickly, so that I don't dry up thinking about Shiro. At least I still have my kitty <3

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Universum strikes again

I got around the previous fuck-me-over-why-don't-you, that the universum put me through, but this is really fucked up. It's probably not a big deal, but it's dangerous, frustrating and cold.

I can't wait for it to be summer.

We got the bookshelf today. It's got glass doors so I put some of my fancy glasses in it. I also put all ny books in there, cleared out some space in the big closet :)

Today is one of the coldest days this winter. It's usually really cold in January and February, but I heard this week will be the last cold one.. I doubt that.

Shiro will die today. He will be put down at around 4.30pm. This next hour will be his last :( Have to go say goodbye.

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