Wednesday 6 June 2012


I finally got it. I've been thinking about getting one since like last summer, when J in work got his. I always said (maybe once or twice), that if I had a tab, I'd totally do my blog more.. I'm thinking about actually keeping that promise, so why not start today? :)

Things on my To Do - list:

~ Clean out the hallway closet

We literally did that yesterday. But I'm so happy about it being done, that I had to mention it first. There was a ton of stuff in there! An amazing about of trash - bags and boxes full of stuff, but about a half of all that stuff was for the bin. We must have taken at least 6 binbags and a dozen cardboard boxes out. Holy crap. And you wouldn't believe how neat and tidy it now is. Fucking hallelujah.

~ Clean out upstairs storage

Haven't done that yet. We did take out the empty boxes, but going through all the stuff in there,  will take hours. Not like the closet didn't take hours (it claimed several hours) but this will take even longer. We need to do it soon though, it'll get too hot to spend all that time upstairs.. Soon.

~ Buy B clothes (!!)

This wasn't even on my list before we cleaned the closet, and realized B only has one shelf of clothes.. I always knew he had less clothes than me, but this amount he has, doesn't even fill a small suitcase.. Holy crap. Definitely jumps to the top of the list.

~ Project Balcony

We won't fill the balcony with flowers this year. Miisu sleeps on the flowers = ruined. But we will get something that looks good and smells nice. We'll get this done later this month.

~ Baby Shower

We have finally decided on the date for the party. There is still quite a few loose ends, but I'm sure I'll get everything done in time.. Especially with the help of E. She'll help me make it happen. I'm off Friday, so it's the perfect day to spend on making the invitations. A little help, please?

This list of mine is long as hell, and if I don't stop writing about it now, I'll just keep thinking about new stuff to add to it. Instead, I should keep in mind the things that were on that list, before all this new stuff got added on only a little while ago. There are things I've been meaning to do for ages, and it's about time I get them off my list.

No pics on the tab yet, and haven't put pics up on Skydrive. Will do that next. That's been on the list for a looong time now....

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

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