Friday 8 June 2012

Jealous Little Thing

We are getting Miisu a little sister, and I'm fairly sure Miisu won't like it. I think she'll get jealous and misbehave. We've given her all of our love and attention every day, and now there will be someone else claiming some of it. Hopefully she'll learn to love the kitten..

Kitten, kitten, kitten. She'll be coming home to us in about a week or so. She'll be only 8 weeks old, which is too young and too early to take away from her mum, but for Miisu to accept her, she needs to be as small as possible. I asked about her, and the owner said that she is eating food and using the litter box , so it'll be fine.

I completed another one of the things on my list! I uploaded pictures to Skydrive, so no more 'no pics' posts. I'm getting a few more things done today..

~ Invitations for the baby shower

~ Write down all the other stuff that needs doing for the baby shower (lists, whippii!)

~ Clean out the drawers in the kitchen (two of them are a mess)

~ Clean out the large cupboard in the kitchen (B promised to do that one)

~ Clean up around the house (just finished doing that, I just wanted to flaunt)

I can't think of any more.. But I'm sure I'll think of more during the day. There is one more thing I need to get done today, but I'll have to go into town for it.

If I want to pick the placement of the picture, I'll have to use the actual blog's website, instead of this application.. But I'll put up the pic anyway.

It's a beautiful day today, and it's great to be able to bring this tab outside on the balcony.. Oh yes, I'm still completely in love with my tab, tab, tabby :)

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

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