Sunday 10 June 2012

Cabbin fever

Sitting here in this relaxing enviroment, I can't help but to think - blah blah blah.

I'm no good at this Carrie - type of writing. But seriously, this place is so relaxing that B falls asleep during the first 2 hours we're here. Unless we're drinking, which is usually the case. I don't know what happened last night - we got here for 9ish and started drinking. Two ciders and 4 beers later, I gave up drinking. B was quick to follow. Actually, I think he gave up before I did, so I drank him under the table? Just joking. I seriously don't know what happened.. I think it's because S wasn't drinking. It's no fun without her.

B went fishing with J and J. They didn't catch anything. I think I need to take him fishing to the same place my dad used to take us. It's a really nice spot - with water so clear, you can see all the way to the bottom of the lake. Ok, maybe not all the way but nearly. It's a really nice place for fishing, we always caught something - not always big enough to eat, but the thrill is the same.

J is still asleep. He didn't stop drinking because he didn't feel like drinking - he stopped because he passed out. I don't know if he'll ever wake up again. Joking.

Now it's time to drink some more coffee, kill a few more bloodsuckers (no, not vampires) and play with the cats. Or maybe they've gone asleep now. I thought we'd sit outside today and soak in the sun, but it's raining. Miserable weather. Bullshit.

Coffee <3

Ps. That picture is one of those photos already on the tab straight out of the box, not one I took. Like you thought I was that good at taking pictures..

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