Saturday 9 June 2012


Didn't get them done. We got quite far but then we ran out of patience, and we never got a white pen.. The invitations are black. We got the front done, with the date on it and the name of the party - Baby Shower, but there is more writing to be done. I'm having E do all that because her handwriting is prettier than mine.

I'm using this browser version, instead of the app, but I'm starting to realize how stiff this is to use.. So unless I'm actually posting a lot of pics with writing in-between, I should just keep using the app. I'm literally thinking about swithing to the app now. I'm such a quitter.

We didn't even do the cupdoard and the drawers. Shit. Well, there is always tomorrow.

I  didn't know I had so many readers in America. That's so cool :) Shouldn't be surprised, I do blog in english. But still it's really cool.

I'm not materialistic at all, in fact I don't usually want anything to do with stuff. But I really wanted the camera, and for a long time, and I got it. I took loads of pics in the beginning and now I haven't taken one in weeks. I've had time, but nothing to take pics of. It's been raining and cold out and when it's been sunny, I haven't even remembered that I have the camera. I want to learn more about how to take good pics and how to work the light and stuff, especially now that the baby is coming. I want to know how to take good photos, instead of those blurry (ugly) ones.

I've stopped taking pics for some reason. I know I'll be taking loads of pictures soon, when the kitten comes, but I shouldn't need an event like that, to shake me up. I love my camera. I love taking pictures. I have to start picking the camera up every day, that's the only way to learn new things.

I'm afraid the same will happen with the tab. I've been thinking about getting this for so long, but I thought I would use it all the time and then lose interest. I decided that wouldn't happen and therefore it will not.

I'm in work today, and yesterday I heard someone say it might rain today, but it's sunny sunny sunny! It kinda makes it easier to be inside all day if the weather is bad, I hate it when customers come in and complain about the sun and heat while eating an ice cream, and I'm stuck inside. I'll just have to deal with it. Anyway, have an amazing weekend! Let's keep our fingers crossed for sunshine and lollipops for the whole weekend :) 

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