Thursday 7 June 2012

Life is Good.

I've been reading this blog about a girl and her life. She is a deeply disturbed girl, with loads of problems. She's (probably) bulimic, self-harms and has some kind of mental illness or personality disorder. This is what I've learned reading her blog. I haven't got that far though, there's like 150 posts every month.. I mean, who has that kind of time on their hands? I guess, people like her, who have nothing else to do than to think about themselves and how bad they have it. I shouldn't be so mean, she has some sort of illness she can't fix but I don't see how writing about it all day everyday, helps. Then again, I don't have an illness.

Reading her blog makes me feel better about myself, my life and my health. And how I should stop trying so hard, because life is already way better than with some, at least this one person. But I'm sure she's not the only one with those kind of problems - I don't have. I have a job, friends, family, boyfriend, home, pets and more. Best of all, I have my health.

We just got a new baby (my sisters kitten - Neko) and soon there will be a real baby in the family. I can't wait! I booked 2 weeks off work at the end on July - to be there to catch the baby. Just joking. But I really want to be there when the baby comes. It will be the highlight of the whole year and the most precious miracle! Everyday I find something new to be thankful for. I am truly grateful for everything I have - and what I'm about to be a part of. Life is truly good.

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