Wednesday 20 June 2012


She's tiny. And fluffy. And smells like a tiny fluffy kitten. Yep, we've got two cats now.

Sunday - S calls to tell me that the people who we got the kitten from, weren't gonna be home for this week or something, and if we wanted the kitten, we should get it soon. So obviously I jumped in my car to pick the kitten up that same minute. There were four of them. Originally, they thought they had two girls and two boys, but it turned out it was three girls and one boy. We wanted a girl. Lucky for us, the smallest and the cutest was a girl, and she came home with us. We wanted a small one, to give Miisu the best chance to accept her. We thought she might not accept her at all, and were expecting to have to take her back. But after only 30 minutes - it was like Miisu was her real mummy. Miisu thinks she is Emis mum and Emi believes Miisu is her mother. It's funny and cool, and deadly adorable. I love my girls :)

Seems like I haven't had the time or the energy to post for a few days. Yesterday I had a fucking headache that nearly killed me and Sunday was the Baby Shower. Don't worry - I got pictures. I'm not going to post them today though, I want to really sit down and write about it for real - not on the bed on my phone half asleep. And Saturday I worked all day and at night did the decorating, baking and cleaning. We had some games to finish up and had to set up the house for the party. We didn't do everything though - it got so late and we were all so tired. We finished up the next day before the party. The party was a huge success btw!

Today we went swimming with S. Stayed there most of the day. Usually we swim about 1 km - 1,5 km but today we did 2,5 km. It was awesome. Best type of exercise for S - water makes it easier to move if you're heavy or pregnant. But because we went swimming, I'm tired and especially my eyes feel like they are already falling behind on this awakeness. And I'm probably not making any sense either. So good night.

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