Tuesday 24 January 2012

Now I'm the asshole

I made a promise to myself. Or maybe it was more like a mental note but anyway, to update the blog at regular intervals, and I've done the complete opposite. I've not been particularly busy or had anything important going on, which leads me to the conclusion; I'm as lazy as my cat.

I've been to work a few times since my last update. It's been really quiet at work. I don't know where the people have gone. Maybe they have a job and a life, and they have no time to buy a new phone. Hmph.

We went to the cinema on sunday. Went to watch the new Sherlock Holmes (finally)! It was absolutely hilarious! It was so funny and full of action, and we shall not forget the main reason I wanted to spend an hour and a half in a sweaty little room with people I've never met - Robert Downey Jr. He is.. Finger-licking-good!

Started reading the True blood books. I'm on book number 3, chapter 4. The books are so different to the series, I can't even believe it.. And if they are going to air the whole story, it's going to take quite a few more series.. I think after book number 4, I'll be up to the last episode of the latest series.. Interesting.

Bought some dumbells(?). As in hand weights? Who gives a shit about the name right now?! The point is that I'm really trying to get this 'be in a better shape this summer' thing started. It just hasn't yet taken flight.. Should start the diet full on tomorrow and use all this god damn exercising equipment I bought (that's when this 'get in better shape'-thing was in the near future and I was still excited about it all).

Going to read True Blood now. B's working a later shift tomorrow so I'll have time to run some errands before I come home and.. exercise.. And eat lettuce? NO! NutriDiet chocolate and banana milkshake. It's a whole meal in one tiny milkshake, it's got all the nutrition you could ever need!

I already miss Subway.

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