Thursday 19 January 2012


It's pitch black outside and it's not even 5 o'clock. How I've missed the winter - the cold and icy roads, the depression that sets in when you don't see the sun for weeks.. Can't really decide which is worse.. The darkness or the constant rain? Well, the darkness doesn't soak you and the rain doesn't depress you. Hmm.

I wanted to see what I had posted in the past, so I read some of my posts. Then I thought, wouldn't it just be better to read every post I ever wrote? And so I started from the very first post I ever wrote. And kept reading. And reading. And reading.. Two hours later, I'd gotten up to July 2009. How is it possible to write so much without actually having anything impressive or intelligent to say? I did have some photos which is good.. Not always and with every post but most of them. Probably more than on these new posts.. I stopped reading them for now.. Will continue some other day.. Eyes getting tired..

I learnt that I tried some diets out, and exercise, and that I actually didn't stick to the rules of the diet or the exercise regime most of the time.. I think maybe good old lazyness set in.. Maybe I should start it out again. Diet and exercise I mean, and see how it goes. Maybe now that I'm older, I really understand to stick to the rules if I want to succeed. Hmm. Maybe.

In work now. I've tried to do all the little things that might need doing in work, but it's been really quiet today so I thought I'd quickly post an update. I also found a few spelling mistakes in my writing. Not good. But I can't really feel that bad about it since not even English people know how to spell English and it's their language.. I can only do my best. An hour to go. Might make some of the UPS bags ready for shipping, so I can feel like I've done something useful today.

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