Friday 24 July 2009

Sleep.. I Wish.

It's been a long time since I last felt this tired. I haven't been able to sleep for the last couple of nights and it's really taking it's toll on me.. I manage to get a few hours of sleep during the day but it's only because my body and mind are exhausted.

I've been trying to fall asleep since 1 o'clock this morning and it's now 8 in the morning so a few hours have passed me by. I finally decided to turn the laptop on and do something "useful". There is really nothing useful I can do online at this time of the day..

But I've got good news. I got the permission to put in J's picture (my sister's boyfriend) and so now I'm going to do just that!

This was taken outside the bar we were drinking at just days before we left Finland. He's got the best smile ever doesn't he ? He is a funny guy to be around :)

Too bad I didn't take any "drunken fool" pictures.. They are the funniest to look at the next day, hungover and all :) Oh well.

Nothing much more to say at this point. Maybe I'll come up with something later on. We put the lottery on yesterday, so cross your fingers for me! Maybe I'll win the jackpot and become filthy rich :) I'd take my whole family to the Caribbean for 2 weeks to do nothing but sunbathe, drink coctails at the pool and relax. Doesn't that sound nice ? I can already see it now. Mmm.

Now I'm going to get some breakfast. I'm getting hungry since the last time I ate was at 8 o'clock last night. So 12 hours ago. Which doesn't sound like a long time. Wait, yes it does. It's half a day :) But if I was sleeping right now and woke up later on, then I wouldn't be hungry until I then.. Anyway,

Have a nice day and enjoy the weekend!

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