Wednesday 29 July 2009

I Love New York <3

Now, I can only say that based on the things I've heard about the place and people. B has been there twice ? Or was it 3 times ? Anyway, it's more times than I could ever dream of. It's a place I'd like to go, but I'd like it to be a holiday without limits. Which to me means that I want to have the money to do it right.. All inclusive, shopping, art galleries and hundreds of pictures.

Last night I stayed awake again. Can't sleep but that's OK. In a month or so it'll be all better again. Anyway, I had this "day dream" or what ever it is when you're not sleeping but you're dreaming of something.. Anyway, I was "dreaming" of going to New York and doing everything I want to do there and it was great! And now I really want to go :) B said it's a really nice place to go shopping and that it's a really nice experience for anybody but it's not the best place he's ever been to. Hmm.

I think maybe America seems interesting to a lot of people because there's so much there and so many places. So many movies we've seen and things we've heard and all these images we have in our head.. Americans say that you've not been anywhere if you haven't been to Europe so maybe we just have the same opinion about America ?

I want to write a list about all the things I want to achieve. All the things I want to do and see and places I want to visit. I think it might be a very long list. I want it to be like in a movie, when they write a list when they are younger and then when they are old(er), they start ticking the boxes on the list. Except I don't want to be old when I start to do the ticking of the boxes. I want to start now. I'm determined to win the lottery, so I can kick start my ticking and start my own business. I'd want that to be the first achievement for sure! And then, a shopping spree in New York.

Today I've used Twitter again. I read a lot of "today I'm going to the launch party of my album" or "my phone broke so I need to buy a new one", things like that. I still don't know what to say about it but the purpose of Twitter is to easily find out what you're friends and family (and celebs) are doing right now, and right now, and right now.. I think you get the picture and it's really doing that. If you want to know where you're friends are at the moment or what they are doing now or next, then just log in on Twitter. Hmm. I guess Facebook does the same but with Twitter it's only that one thing and that's all that you really want to know isn't it ? What your friends are doing :)

Watching House on TV now. They're giving a young chess player shrooms. That way they found something and then did something. Then they were planning to do something but something happened and things got worse and .. Does all this sound familiar ? Isn't this more or less what happens in every single episode ?

It's still a good program and I'm probably going to continue watching it in the future.

My mind is being mean to me. I know exactly how I want my future house to look like, outside and inside but I can't do anything about it. I want to write the whole thing down or use pictures or draw it or something before I go crazy. At least that way I can look at it instead of imagining it every time. Hmm. I suck at drawing. Why can't I be good at something like drawing, singing or writing ? Life would be so much easier. Or maybe just more fun :) Hah.

Today I had my first bagel. I don't know if I like them. At least not with liver paté or what ever. Maybe I should try a different kind or try it with something like soft cheese and cucumber. Any suggestions ?

That's enough reading for one day. I mean for You :) Have a nice evening!

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