Wednesday 29 July 2009


That is what I am today. I just dyed my hair. Now I've got red hair again, just like before. I don't know if I wanted to keep my hair brown but I couldn't decide on which hair dye to buy so I just got the red one. Sorry mom, now I'm a redhead again!

Anything else new.. ?

I did the unthinkable. I tried out Twitter. I think it's a little boring. But I've only "used it" for like a day or two, if I count today, so maybe I should give it a few more days. I'm mainly following celebs and gossip. I think it can be a good thing to use if you get bored a lot, coz then you can just log in and read about other people's interesting lives :) I don't know if I recommend it yet since I haven't used it that much..

I watched quite a horrible movie today. It wasn't scary or like "Saw" kinda horrible but it was based on true events, and that makes it a horrible movie.

Movie : Ed Gein - By The Light Of The Moon

Horrific true tale of small town psychopath Ed Gein, whose penchant for murder and mutilation inspired some of the most legendary serial killer movies, such as Psycho and The Silence of the Lambs.

That's what it says about the movie on the information box on TV.

Congratulations to my Mom and Step-Dad for moving into the new place! Hopefully you'll stay there for longer this time :)

Anyway, I'm going to bed now. It's almost 3 a.m. But one more thing before I go. There's this really annoying thing going on.. They're fixing or digging or building something nearby and because of that we lose our water supply every single morning and it lasts until 1 o'clock. Or so they said. One day the water didn't come back on until 3. And we went to ask them to come and fix the water supply for the toilet to work and so they came and then we asked them why we never received a piece of paper telling us that this would be going on and you know what they said ? "Sorry we didn't realise that there was another flat back there". A**holes.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Night.

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