Friday 31 July 2009


I thought being awake for like 30 something hours and then sleeping for 12 would make me feel better but I'm actually still very tired.

I was so angry yesterday! The workmen said that we would lose our water supply everyday between 9 and 1 right ? Well I guess they use the term loosely since we didn't get our water back until 8.23 p.m! I mean, what the f*ck is that ?!? There isn't a lot of cooking that can be done without water to boil stuff in. Argh!

Today (thank f*ck) I woke up to have the water already on at 1.30 p.m. Hah.

There isn't that much to say about today. B is in work from 9 a.m until What shall I do with my day ? I should probably start exercising again. Hmm. Good idea.

B has to cook for a big party tonight. Nearly the whole cast of Hollyoaks will be at the Eagle and Child celebrating. Cool isn't it ? :)

Now I'm going to take a nap.

Thursday 30 July 2009

Sleepless Nights.

Couldn't sleep last night, so I stayed awake and read the Cosmopolitan. These sleepless nights will kill me. But look at it from the bright side, I can catch up on my reading :)

Alesha Dixon is very pretty in this picture, although her body looks like someone's done something to it. I mean, on the picture. I guess that's what they do to all the pictures they put on the cover. There's a lot to read in this August issue of Cosmopolitan. There is something kinda weird, and I'm not sure if it's good-weird or weird-weird.

So get this. It's about this new product Le Whif, it's a calorie-free chocolate that you inhale (?) Interested ? Well this is how it works. 'Place it in your mouth and a fine powder is sprayed, fooling the brain into thinking you're eating chocolate!' Weird ?

I eat chocolate because I like the eating of the chocolate. Don't you agree ?

Then there is this.

I definitely want to know what this smells like and if it's good then I want to get it :) If we like them then we'll get them. Maybe. Probably for our anniversary :) There is another perfume that I like. I mean I've never really had perfumes because I never remember to use them, but I really like Paris Hilton's Can Can and I might get that.. Tough choices :)

There's talk about why women cheat and how the reasons are different with men than women. There's a lot about loving your body the way it is and (naked) pictures and stories from women in all shapes and sizes. There's a story about keeping or telling a secret and how hard that is, and seven women tell their stories.. And loads more!

I looked through all the pictures of the designers clothes and latest fashion items, and I usually never like any of them but there's a picture of the prettiest dress ever! It's a DVF Ivory Lace dress and OMG it's beautiful! Here it comes..

Now if I was rich, I'd run out to buy this dress! It's nice to have some dreams :)

While I was surfing the Internet trying to find a picture of this dress (I wasn't successful so I just took a picture of the photo in Cosmo) I saw this dress that I fell in love with! So now there are two dresses that I absolutely have to have, as soon as I win the lottery :) Here comes a picture of the other dress.

Now I really need to go and get some food for Dorothy. She is so hungry, she is trying to eat me through the glass of her tank. Poor girl. Better get her some fluffs. Anyway, I'll try and write more later on today :) Cya!

Thunderstorms <3

Finally the thunderstorm we've been waiting for is here! There was a flash of light outside and we could see it through the blinds, I thought it was an ambulance or the police but then we heard the thunder! It only came after like 5 seconds. So it's really close, but I think it might be heading East now..

Now the rain came! It didn't rain at all when the lightnings came and not even when we heard the thunder, and now after like 10 minutes, the rain is pouring down! I don't know if I've ever seen so much rain! Or at least heard since I didn't walk to the window to see it. OK now B opened the blinds so I could see the pouring rain and OMG!

And the thunderstorm is back. It didn't go away like I thought. But now the rain stopped ? Or at least it's not raining as hard as it did two minutes ago..


The biggest lightning and thunder I've heard in years!

Anyway, B said all this is because of some heat wave that they are saying is going to hit England in a couple of weeks.. Hopefully that's true because that would mean more thunderstorms, which I love (!), and then more heat! Can't stand the rain for much longer because after the summer is over, there'll be rain for the next 6 months..

I finally started reading my August Cosmopolitan and it's their first Hot Secrets Issue. It's full of all the secrets of beauty, fashion and sex. Can't wait! We're doing Cosmo's BIG Orgasmic Quiz. It's all about the truth about orgasms. Now we're pondering over a question :

Women have more orgasms if their partner ...
a) is over 6 ft
b) is rich
c) is younger than her

The answer is b. There are some really good facts in there that you wouldn't necessarily think were true. Anyway, back to the quiz.

Wednesday 29 July 2009

I Love New York <3

Now, I can only say that based on the things I've heard about the place and people. B has been there twice ? Or was it 3 times ? Anyway, it's more times than I could ever dream of. It's a place I'd like to go, but I'd like it to be a holiday without limits. Which to me means that I want to have the money to do it right.. All inclusive, shopping, art galleries and hundreds of pictures.

Last night I stayed awake again. Can't sleep but that's OK. In a month or so it'll be all better again. Anyway, I had this "day dream" or what ever it is when you're not sleeping but you're dreaming of something.. Anyway, I was "dreaming" of going to New York and doing everything I want to do there and it was great! And now I really want to go :) B said it's a really nice place to go shopping and that it's a really nice experience for anybody but it's not the best place he's ever been to. Hmm.

I think maybe America seems interesting to a lot of people because there's so much there and so many places. So many movies we've seen and things we've heard and all these images we have in our head.. Americans say that you've not been anywhere if you haven't been to Europe so maybe we just have the same opinion about America ?

I want to write a list about all the things I want to achieve. All the things I want to do and see and places I want to visit. I think it might be a very long list. I want it to be like in a movie, when they write a list when they are younger and then when they are old(er), they start ticking the boxes on the list. Except I don't want to be old when I start to do the ticking of the boxes. I want to start now. I'm determined to win the lottery, so I can kick start my ticking and start my own business. I'd want that to be the first achievement for sure! And then, a shopping spree in New York.

Today I've used Twitter again. I read a lot of "today I'm going to the launch party of my album" or "my phone broke so I need to buy a new one", things like that. I still don't know what to say about it but the purpose of Twitter is to easily find out what you're friends and family (and celebs) are doing right now, and right now, and right now.. I think you get the picture and it's really doing that. If you want to know where you're friends are at the moment or what they are doing now or next, then just log in on Twitter. Hmm. I guess Facebook does the same but with Twitter it's only that one thing and that's all that you really want to know isn't it ? What your friends are doing :)

Watching House on TV now. They're giving a young chess player shrooms. That way they found something and then did something. Then they were planning to do something but something happened and things got worse and .. Does all this sound familiar ? Isn't this more or less what happens in every single episode ?

It's still a good program and I'm probably going to continue watching it in the future.

My mind is being mean to me. I know exactly how I want my future house to look like, outside and inside but I can't do anything about it. I want to write the whole thing down or use pictures or draw it or something before I go crazy. At least that way I can look at it instead of imagining it every time. Hmm. I suck at drawing. Why can't I be good at something like drawing, singing or writing ? Life would be so much easier. Or maybe just more fun :) Hah.

Today I had my first bagel. I don't know if I like them. At least not with liver paté or what ever. Maybe I should try a different kind or try it with something like soft cheese and cucumber. Any suggestions ?

That's enough reading for one day. I mean for You :) Have a nice evening!


That is what I am today. I just dyed my hair. Now I've got red hair again, just like before. I don't know if I wanted to keep my hair brown but I couldn't decide on which hair dye to buy so I just got the red one. Sorry mom, now I'm a redhead again!

Anything else new.. ?

I did the unthinkable. I tried out Twitter. I think it's a little boring. But I've only "used it" for like a day or two, if I count today, so maybe I should give it a few more days. I'm mainly following celebs and gossip. I think it can be a good thing to use if you get bored a lot, coz then you can just log in and read about other people's interesting lives :) I don't know if I recommend it yet since I haven't used it that much..

I watched quite a horrible movie today. It wasn't scary or like "Saw" kinda horrible but it was based on true events, and that makes it a horrible movie.

Movie : Ed Gein - By The Light Of The Moon

Horrific true tale of small town psychopath Ed Gein, whose penchant for murder and mutilation inspired some of the most legendary serial killer movies, such as Psycho and The Silence of the Lambs.

That's what it says about the movie on the information box on TV.

Congratulations to my Mom and Step-Dad for moving into the new place! Hopefully you'll stay there for longer this time :)

Anyway, I'm going to bed now. It's almost 3 a.m. But one more thing before I go. There's this really annoying thing going on.. They're fixing or digging or building something nearby and because of that we lose our water supply every single morning and it lasts until 1 o'clock. Or so they said. One day the water didn't come back on until 3. And we went to ask them to come and fix the water supply for the toilet to work and so they came and then we asked them why we never received a piece of paper telling us that this would be going on and you know what they said ? "Sorry we didn't realise that there was another flat back there". A**holes.

Anyway, I'm off to bed now. Night.

Sunday 26 July 2009

Saturday Night <3

I didn't win the lottery. I wouldn't be writing anything in this blog if I'd won. Anyway, moving on with life.

Today when B came home from work, we went to the Tesco and we saw this really expensive car. Ferrari Enzo to be exact. So this car is pretty but a real man's car. There's only 400 of them out there and one costs around half a million pounds. Hmm. Who can afford to buy one in fu*king Wigan ? Well who ever it was, must have a lot of money :) Maybe I should meet that guy ? Maybe I could convince him of giving me some of his fortune! Hah. Maybe not :)

Here's a picture of the car. It's for those of You who don't know about cars, like me.

If I ever get that much money that I'm able to buy something this expensive, I would probably buy an Aston Martin because I like them more than Ferrari's. Maybe they are more of a woman's car ? I don't really know what super car or sports car is supposed to be something for the women but an Aston Martin would be something for me :) Here's a picture of the one I'd buy if I had the money :)

Is that not the prettiest car you've seen ? I love it! If I won the lottery today, I'd buy it on like thursday when the money would be on my account :) Hah.

Anyway, I've got to go and do something useful. Maybe. I'll probably just sit and watch TV. Just joking. We're having a few drinks with my beloved better half. And for you out there (you know who you are), we're fine and there is no reason for you to be worried about anybody. That's really immature to talk about things you know nothing about.

Have a "safe" saturday night. I think it might be quite late in Finland but Finnish people drink until the morning right ? :)

Friday 24 July 2009

Sleep.. I Wish.

It's been a long time since I last felt this tired. I haven't been able to sleep for the last couple of nights and it's really taking it's toll on me.. I manage to get a few hours of sleep during the day but it's only because my body and mind are exhausted.

I've been trying to fall asleep since 1 o'clock this morning and it's now 8 in the morning so a few hours have passed me by. I finally decided to turn the laptop on and do something "useful". There is really nothing useful I can do online at this time of the day..

But I've got good news. I got the permission to put in J's picture (my sister's boyfriend) and so now I'm going to do just that!

This was taken outside the bar we were drinking at just days before we left Finland. He's got the best smile ever doesn't he ? He is a funny guy to be around :)

Too bad I didn't take any "drunken fool" pictures.. They are the funniest to look at the next day, hungover and all :) Oh well.

Nothing much more to say at this point. Maybe I'll come up with something later on. We put the lottery on yesterday, so cross your fingers for me! Maybe I'll win the jackpot and become filthy rich :) I'd take my whole family to the Caribbean for 2 weeks to do nothing but sunbathe, drink coctails at the pool and relax. Doesn't that sound nice ? I can already see it now. Mmm.

Now I'm going to get some breakfast. I'm getting hungry since the last time I ate was at 8 o'clock last night. So 12 hours ago. Which doesn't sound like a long time. Wait, yes it does. It's half a day :) But if I was sleeping right now and woke up later on, then I wouldn't be hungry until I then.. Anyway,

Have a nice day and enjoy the weekend!

Thursday 23 July 2009

Chicago <3

I'm watching Chicago on TV. I'm a bit bored. We were supposed to have a few drinks with B but he is tired so I guess that's out of the window. Maybe I just need to talk him into drinking a little since my dad bought him a bottle of Jack Daniels.

Now I got him to get a drink so I guess I'll be off now to drink some Magners Pear Cider. I need to let the bunny out to run around for a little while :) Put some music on as well.

One more thing. B burnt his arm in work. He was lighting the grill up and it blew up and his arm caught on fire. Disgusting blisters and shit on his arm now.. Yak. But he let me put some miracle cream on it and now it's a lot better even though it still looks kinda ... Hmm.. Yeah.. Kids, don't play with fire or light up grills :)

Have a nice evening and Sorry I didin't have more to write about. I promise I'll put more effort into writing the blog, tomorrow :)

Monday 20 July 2009

Pictures <3

It's working! I can finally upload some photos now. OK so I thought that this picture needed to go in first. Hands up all of you who have seen a Hesburger Drive in or Drive thru before ? Well before going to Turku, I would have laughed at this "question" but now my hands are in the air.

So there is an actual Hesburger Drive thru in Turku.
A good idea ? I think so :)

We also paid a visit to the Turku Castle

I'd never been there before and it's really beautiful :)

This trip to Turku was at the very end of my holiday in Finland. These pictures aren't in any particular order like I said before so the story is kinda all over the place :)

I wanted to stay true to the Finnish way of living, so there was quite a lot of drinking involved. Here you can see the "Big Beer" and some cider. We sat in the "beer garden" or what ever it's called in English, and we had a very nice time in good company :)

That little black spot there on my arm, are two flies having sex. That was one of the less comfortable but more funny things that happened :)

At one point we went to a concert. It was pretty good. At least the last band :) Just joking. There were some good ones and some bad ones like always. After the concert we drove back home and got some pizza. Then we watched some movies :)

When we got back from the concert, this is what we found sleeping on the couch :) Shiro was enjoying having the couch all to himself! Too bad we had to take that away from him. He had to find somewhere else to sleep...

As you can see in this photo, it didn't take him too long to find somewhere else to be lazy at :) What a lovely cat he is, I miss him so much !

Look at him! What a baby :) So cute!

We also spent a weekend in the countryside. It was more like in the middle of a forest but to me it's all the same. We had the best time ever! Good food, loads to drink and excellent company... Anybody wanna do it again ? :)

Even the cat got some fun out of it all!

Roni is the name of the cat and my god he was a big one!

We also went swimming which was great because I hadn't
been swimming for such a long time

Now I'm just gonna put in some random photos :) There's some more pictures of Shiro after a shower and some from the Camping area where we sunbathed (almost) on the beach and so on. Enjoy.

Hopefully you enjoyed these pictures :) I know I should've taken more but like I've said many times, I suck at taking pictures! Sorry. Anyway, I was gonna put on a photo of my sister's boyfriend but I need his permission first :) Anyway, I really recommend a holiday to Finland. It's very relaxing on a holiday in a beautiful country. Now it's time for dinner. Have a very nice evening!

Sunday 19 July 2009

A Little Piece Of Heaven <3

Now I've got the photos on my laptop. I'm just going to put them on without any particular order and with a small explanation or something :) That's how lazy I am.
I looked through the pictures and realized that I really didn't take that many of them. And I didn't take any of myself. I suck at taking pictures.

5 minutes later ...

I tried to put the pictures on but it's not working. It's not letting me upload anything. I mean, it's not even letting me go browse my photos to choose one to upload. I don't know what's wrong. Should I just wait a little while and try again or is there something wrong with it ? Any ideas ?

This sucks. I'm going to have to do something else today then.

B wanted to go watch the new Harry Potter when we got home on wednesday but it was already so late and I wanted to get food and go to bed. After that he's asked me to go with him every day. Now he's working nights so it's quite impossible. I don't know if I'll even go to the cinema to watch it even though that would be cool. We'll see what happens.

Yesterday I helped B cook the food. This doesn't sound like much but this was a meal only he can make taste good. I actually did (almost) everything alone, with B's help of course :) He gave me advice on how to get it to taste as good as when he makes it. Today he will make dinner without me.

Today I watched E- True Hollywood Story - The Women of Sex and the City, and I found out that Kim Gattrall was born in Liverpool, England! What is that ? I didn't know she was English.. She was actually born quite close to where I live now. That was a shock. All the things you learn on TV!

It's the end of today's little "story" and I feel like you should all listen to this amazing song I heard in Finland. It's got decadent lyrics and a disturbing but beautiful music video and I like it very much. I'll put the lyrics on as well as a link to the video.

Avenged Sevenfold - A Little Piece Of Heaven

Before the story begins, is it such a sin,
for me to take what's mine, until the end of time
We were more than friends, before the story ends,
And I will take what's mine, create what
God would never design

Our love had been so strong for far too long,
I was weak with fear that
something would go wrong,
before the possibilities came true,
I took all possibility from you
Almost laughed myself to tears,(hahaha)
conjuring her deepest fears
(come here you fucking bitch)

Must have stabbed her fifty fucking times,
I can't believe it,
Ripped her heart out right before her eyes,
Eyes over easy, eat it eat it eat it

She was never this good in bed
even when she was sleepin'
now she's just so perfect I've
never been quite so fucking deep in
it goes on and on and on,
I can keep you lookin' young and preserved forever,
with a fountain to spray on your youth whenever

’Cause I really always knew that my little crime
would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
and I know, I know it's not your time
but bye, bye
and a word to the wise when the fire dies
you think it's over but it's just begun
baby don't cry

You had my heart, at least for the most part
’cause everybody's gotta die sometime, we fell apart
let's make a new start
’cause everybody's gotta die sometime yeah
but baby don't cry

Now possibilities I'd never considered,
are occurring the likes of which I'd never heard,
Now an angry soul comes back from beyond the grave,
to repossess a body with which I'd misbehaved

Smiling right from ear to ear
Almost laughed herself to tears

Must have stabbed him fifty fucking times
I can't believe it
Ripped his heart out right before his eyes
Eyes over easy
Eat it eat it eat it

Now that it's done I realize the error of my ways
I must venture back to apologize from somewhere far beyond the grave

I gotta make up for what I've done
’Cause I was all up in a piece of heaven
while you burned in hell, no peace forever

’Cause I really always knew that my little crime
would be cold that's why I got a heater for your thighs
and I know, I know it's not your time
but bye, bye
and a word to the wise when the fire dies
you think it's over but it's just begun
but baby don't cry

You had my heart, at least for the most part
’Cause everybody's gotta die sometime, We fell apart
Let’s make a new start
’Cause everybody's gotta die sometime yeah
But baby don't cry

Friday 17 July 2009

Stephen King .

I know I told you that I would put the pictures on today, but I can't seem to find the usb cable to put them on my laptop.. I've misplaced it somehow. I could just look for it and I would probably find it but I'm too lazy :)

I just finished doing the dishes. In a few minutes I will start watching Stephen King's It. It's on Zone Horror. I hate this movie because of the clown in it. But it's still a pretty good film.

It's been raining for the past 2 days. You gotta love the english weather..

This reminds me of the fact that I haven't taken pictures of the clothes I bought in Finland. Or actually the clothes my mom and dad bought me :) hah. I should really do that. What else ? Think hard.

E said today that I write way too little about her in my blog, which is understandable since we don't spend time together because I live so far away and I don't have anything new to write about her but I guess there is always something. Like, now in Finland we went to Sköna Clara together and then we went for a drive. Too bad we couldn't spend more time together while I was over there, but there just wasn't enough time.. She was always working and I was always going somewhere or doing something. Hopefully she and her boyfriend could come over soon :)

Now I need to quickly tell you about my latest discovery. I mean, It's been out for like forever but I only now started using it so for me it's still new. Dream Matte Mousse by Maybelline. It's the best thing in makeup I've used in a long time. I googled it and it took me to a conversation about the product where Finns were saying that there aren't light enough colours of it or what ever but I didn't have a problem finding one and I'm as white as milk :) If you've never tried it and you don't like using makeup foundation and powder etc. get this for yourself because it's got all of those things you need to build up your foundation in one simple product. And it feels great and it makes your skin look good!

Enough about makeup and stuff. But that's actually now the end of today's "story of the day" since I don't have the pictures to put on and I don't really have anything else interesting to tell you. One thing I missed while I was in Finland was Vimto juice which I'm enjoying right now. That's about the only thing I missed. Well not really.
There are some things I would miss about England if I moved to Finland but they would all be food or drink related. And of course I would miss the language. I mean hearing English everywhere all the time. I don't know :)

I might have to get the bunny running around now because it's gotten so fat while I was gone that I don't think he's been running at all or jumping or doing anything. Lazy ass. Anyway, thank you for reading this far :) Have a very nice evening!

Thursday 16 July 2009

Back in England .

Now I'm back. And I'm finally going to write about .. well anything really. I had everything figured out and I thought that it would be OK not to write that much while I was on my holiday and that I'd write about everything when I got back and make it all nice and full of pictures and all.. But now that I'm supposed to do it, I'm kinda feeling the pressure of making it really nice. Hmm.

All I can do is try.

I landed in Finland on Friday. My dad's new wife's brother came to pick me up. We went to ... I think this way I would be stuck sitting here for the next 2 years :)

So let me try again.

The whole thing started with the wedding. Everything was really nice, it didn't rain and all the food got made in time and all the guests were having a good time. There is the whole "my side of the family" enjoy drinking and the "other side of the family" do not, and it was an alcohol free wedding so.. But everything was nice and went according to plan and then we left for the after party! We got to the hotel and got completely hammered :) That night we had some weird explanations about life but it was all good :) Good times.

After that we left that part of Finland to go home. The next few days we spent on the "beach". Actually we just stayed on the grass next to the beach :) I burnt myself. Then I got brown. And then I burnt myself again. It was all worth it because now I'm brown. At least on my upper back :) Then we did some drinking. Watched some movies.

LISTEN UP! I watched some sick ass movies at my sister's and her boyfriend's house. One of them is called Amusement. You can read about it and watch the trailer here .
Then there was one called Old Boy , read about it and trailer here . And the horrible one Martyrs , read about it here and watch the trailer here .

Then it was already time to go get B from the train station. We drank that night even though he'd been travelling for hours and hours. The next day we went to the "beach". Other day's we went swimming and watched movies and did all kinds. I didn't take many pictures and now I'm not too happy with myself because I really wanted a lot of them. Anyway, it was the nicest holiday yet and I can't wait to go back!

I met my sister's new boyfriend. They've been together for quite some time so I can't really say "new" but he was new to me since I hadn't met him before. He is one of the nicest people I've ever met and I'm so happy for my sister to find such a nice man for herself. I hope it's OK for me to call him a friend :)

I had such a nice time with everybody and I just want to go back !

I feel like I haven't done such a good job with writing down everything I did and what happened and all that..

Now I've decided the following.. Whenever I remember something I wanted to write about, I will just put it in here later on. It will have to do :) I'll add all the pictures on later tonight or tomorrow because they're not on the laptop and blaahblaah.

Miss all of you already!

Wednesday 1 July 2009

Drinking <3

Once again I'm .. drunk. Surprise surprise. I don't really have the time to do this right now but I just wanted to let you know that I'm still alive. I haven't been able to write anything because I've been everywhere all the time. All over the place. As soon as I sit down to write something or do what ever on the computer, I get a phonecall saying I need to go somewhere :) It's fine since I'm not going to be here for that long. Anyway, I'm sitting here at my sister's and her boyfriend's place drinking and having a good time so I'm not going to sit here for much longer. I should probably tell you what I've been up to over in Finland and now I'm thinking "I'll do it tomorrow" but I probably won't.

There was the wedding weekend and the after party. Then we got home and I burnt my back. We spent a lot of time at the camping area and we still go there almost everyday. I'm trying really hard to get a tan but I'm starting to think it's never going to happen. I spent some time with a friend who I have missed a lot and haven't seen for a loooong time. We went to this clothing shop where everything costs more than my life and after that we went driving and shopping and everything :) It was a really nice day :)

I'll tell you more about the things I've been doing over here but now I need to keep drinking and having a good time. We've had a really good weather for many days so GET THE F OUT OF THE HOUSE! :) And join me in my drinking wars :)