Sunday 28 October 2012

Travel Diary Part Twenty Five

Saturday - Travel Day.

We tried to sleep in as late as possible, but Bad Guy Brain decided we should get up at 12. I know what you're thinking, 12 is pretty late - not for someone who's gonna stay up for the next 30-or-so hours. We didn't do much on Saturday afternoon, Bs auntie, uncle and grandad came around to say goodbye - no tears, but they promised to come visit us in Finland. Like that's gonna happen. We'll see.

We left Bs parents house at 3 o'clock, because we wanted to have some time in town before the train. We thought we'd take the bus into town, but Bs uncle offered to drive us. It was so cool of him to do that - it would have been a nightmare dragging all of our stuff to the Connie and the Oh-So-Spacious-Bus. We had to make a stop at Tesco, so I could buy the Fifty Shades of Grey books, and Bs uncle took us there. He said he'd stay in town for a little while, so that we could leave our stuff in his car, while we do what ever we needed to do. It was so fucking cool - amazingly easy to walk around without three suitcases. We had some nice healthy salad for lunch.. Who am I kidding?! We ate at KFC (WINNING). That was probably the seventh time we ate at KFC during those two weeks in England, but it's one of the only things I miss about England. That and the 24-hour fully licenced (to sell alcohol) Asda, with an endless supply of Vodka.

After food, Bs uncle drove us to the train station. We said our goodbyes and settled down for the 3-Hour train ride. We didn't watch any movies going over, and now was the perfect time for it - that's all we did, no sleep. When we got to Edinburgh, we sat down at the Train Station Bar (I don't know the name of that bar, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to spell it anyway) and had a few drinks before getting the 11.40 bus to the airport.

At the airport - B slept while I read Fifty Shades of Fuckedupness. B didn't wake up for nothing.. We had to move at one point, and by some miracle - B stayed up during the move. He did give me the opportunity (TWICE) to use the toilet and go for a smoke, and then he'd always go back to sleep. He only got up when it was time to check our bag in. We went through security and walked the mile to our gate - only to stand (among the first people) in line to board the plane, for 30 minutes.

The flight was pretty much a Part Two of the B Sleeping Show. It was exactly the same thing going over - B leaning against me SLEEPING, while I desparately fight the noise and light, to steal a few minutes of sleep. When we finally landed, we got our bags pretty quickly and got on the Ryanair Airport Bus. The 30 minute bus ride was the prequel for the 3-Hour wait for our train. At this point, I was exhausted - completely knackered to the point of feeling sick. I couldn't read one more page of Fifty, so we decided to leave the comforts of the train station (what comforts?!) And brave the wilderness that is Tampere. Thankfully we found some heart-healthy restaurant called McDonalds, and we had some lunch. After food we made our way back to the train station, where B tried to sleep, and I tried to drive him crazy - I literally counted the minutes, which made each and one of those minutes feel painfully long, but made me feel better coz it kept B awake.

The train ride was about the same as everything else - B slept, while I tried to find something to do. I wanted to do the blog but my phone was dying. Then I discovered I could charge my phone on the train and got a little happier. I started writing, but I could only spell these 5 words - I AM SO FUCKING TIRED. So I gave up the Blog idea and settled on a game of Word Swipe. That one game lasted all the way to Kokkola. OK, not all the way, but nearly - and 'nearly' felt pretty damn good at that moment in time. And so we made it all the way back to where we started, and were met by my sister and J.

We met the rest of the family later on, and holy shit a baby can grow in two weeks - was the first thought that popped into my head. The second thought - SLEEP MOTHERFUCKER. I love traveling and holiday, but nothing beats coming home.

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