Wednesday 3 October 2012

Travel Diary Part Eight

Darts match - hilariously funny! We had such a great time. I didn't think I'd enjoy that, but it was so much fun! We'll probably go again next tuesday.

Money - flying out of our pockets. There's shit loads of stuff and clothes I've found and want - and I've got most of it. But I think we might need some more money, coz it's only two days in and I'm getting a new tattoo on thursday! I've waited so long for a new tattoo, I don't know how to control myself, I'm that excited!

We're having a drink tonight. I'm having Peach Lambrini, WKD and Kopparberg. B is having red wine. Thankfully Bs parents aren't like mine - they stay up late and don't go to bed at 10 - coz now on holiday, it's nice to be able to have a drink and not have to go out for one.

It's Lambrini time now, and I'm seeing doubles, so not the best time to write. Have an alcohol filled Tuesday night!

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