Thursday 4 October 2012

Travel Diary Part Eleven

I finally started reading Fifty Shades of Grey - porn book for women. Obviously for women, men don't want to use their imagination for porn. It's a very graphic book. Oli was right. It does explain everything in detail and doesn't leave anything out.

I saw the book at the Asda and thought about buying it, but Bs dad said Bs mum has it, so I decided to read her copy. I read the first 144 pages last night, and I'm completely hooked. I didn't know there's three books in the series - I'll read the first one now and buy the other two to take with me to Finland. But then I'll be missing the one book.. I can't buy the other two and not the first one, that'll fuck with my head. Hmm. Need to think about this.

I just want to read the book, but B might get annoyed coz I read it all last night. Maybe I could read one chapter.. or two?

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  1. Jos ei oo kauheen kalliita nii osta kaikki kolme. Määkin haluan lukea ne! :>

    1. Ostan ne kaikki täältä ku ne on niin sika halpoja :)
