Sunday 7 October 2012

Travel Diary Part Thirteen

Saturday - party day. We slept in and then went to the Connie and the Asda with Bs mum and dad. We got all the party food from Iceland and got other bits and bobs from elsewhere. After we got back to the house, it was shower time. Then make up, nails and Frustration with A, L and JP. It's a really cool game but extremely frustrating - even more so with JP, because he cheats all the time.

The party was a real success! Everyone made it and had a good time. The drinks were flowing and thankfully I wasn't the only drunk one. There were quite a few drunken fools here yesterday. Not that people did anything stupid, but there were a few foolish things said - not by me. But all in all, it was a really cool night and also the first night I got drunk in England.

Asda sells special flavoured Smirnoff - Vanilla, Green Apple, Lime and Blueberry. There might be others but I only remember those ones. I got the Vanilla one, and holy shit was it nice! I drank it with lemonade and ice and it literally tasted like cream soda. It was so fucking good! And of course I had to drink the whole bottle. I have to buy another bottle to bring with me home, I and S will go crazy for it! You wouldn't believe how good it tastes..

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