Sunday 7 October 2012

Travel Diary Part Twelve

Friday, friday gotta get down on friday. Friday is such a party day, but this friday we did no partying - at least not drinking type partying. We did nothing all day and then Bs mum took me to a Body Shop party. You know, women sitting around drinking and trying out different lotions and potions. There was a women telling you all about the products, but she wasn't meant to do sales, coz she was shit at it. So we just tested everything out ourselves. I didn't want to buy anything coz I can get everything in Finland and there is no room in my suitcase for creams. I did find one cream that I really loved! Coco butter I think it was.. I have to get some of that when I get home.

I was about to blog on Friday, when Bs mum asked me to this party and I realized I had no time. I only got back here for about 11 and then had some very healthy - sausage, chips and curry - dinner and talked to Jappa Pappa on Skype. After that it was bedtime for me.

I had a good time at the party, until this 40 year old drunken woman opened up to me. We were having a smoke outside, when she decided to share her life story with me. Obviously I would rather have been inside in the warmth, but I was stuck with this train wreck. Maybe she needed someone to talk to, and found it easier to talk to a stranger, but seriously, why get so wasted at a party which is not about drinking? She had her young child with her. What a wanker. And at the end of her stories, she told me not to listen to anything she says, because I'm young and she's drunk. So why the fuck tell me about her shitty life and stupid choices, if I'm not meant to listen to her?! Bitch.

I would kill for some pink Smarties right now.

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