Tuesday 26 June 2012


I'm not, but B is. To Emi I mean. He is so obviously suffering from allergic symptoms, now that we ruled out the possibility of it being the Flu. He didn't have any when we got Miisu, so we didn't connect the dots straight away. But he'll get used to it and the symptoms will disappear. Let's just hope his body can adjust quickly..

I was so pissed off the other day! I uploaded shit loads of pictures onto the blog to post, and it didn't get published. I think there were too many photos and the blog couldn't handle it - but it took ages to go through the pics and then I had to do it all over again. I chose less pictures and like magic - it got published.

I dyed my hair today. It was about time. It was that dirty, it was either wash it or dye it. I mean, I always let it go dirty to protect my scalp, but I've been lazy (and not working), so it's been waiting to get dyed for ages. We went to 3 different shops and none of them had my hair dye. What the fuck?! So I just picked up something else. Something that looked like the one I've been using.. But as it turnes out, it was a reddish brown colour.. We'll have to wait and see what it looks like - keep in mind, there is a fair amount of roots showing, and they might now be red for all I know. Hmm.

Didn't do much today. Picked up B because it was raining. Went to a few shops to look around, and found B his next game. Didn't get the game now but instead I got a dvd. It contains four Finnish movies from the early 40s. I remember watching them with my Dad when I was younger, and I really loved them - I was happily surprised to find this dvd, I didn't think I could find them anywhere anymore.

Miisu is so tired, she let me hold her for maybe 8 minutes today. I think she fell asleep, and then suddenly remembered she doesn't like to be held and woke up. Emi on the other hand - she wants to play all the time and then suddenly just falls asleep. My babies are the cutest <3

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More Babies <3

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Sunday 24 June 2012

Babies <3

Neko, Emi and Miisu.

The computer is not doing what I want, and I can't get the photos of my camera onto the PC. I will fix whatever the problem is, and then you'll get the rest of the pics. Maybe just buy a new PC and throw this one out of the window?

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The Waiting Game

Sitting on the couch waiting. Waiting until forever it seems. It's still early, but they don't usually sleep in, and it's already nearly 2.30. I wonder what is taking them so long. They might not even show up. He promised, but his promises have been shady and unreliable at best, so shouldn't really count on him to follow through. Yet, I'm patiently waiting..

Mid summer was great. Went to spend time in the forest - I mean the summer house, but there were so many bloodsuckers and what not out there, that it might as well be in the forest. B wasn't sure about coming along, since he had his wisdom teeth taken out on Wednesday, and was in some pain, but he sucked it up and came along - and had an amazing time! Grilling, drinking, awesome company, 3 hairy babies (not including B - just the cats) plus peace and quiet = happy campers. The sun joined in and it made everything even better.

Now the sun has gone hiding, there is a bit of a wind and nothing is open today. What to do? Emi is sleeping against my leg, Miisu is sleeping on the chair, B is on facebook and I'm still waiting for my Dad to show up. But since he might not - I shall do something useful with my time, and post some photos of Emi & Co. Not along this post, coz they're not on the tab yet, but in a few moments.

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Wednesday 20 June 2012


She's tiny. And fluffy. And smells like a tiny fluffy kitten. Yep, we've got two cats now.

Sunday - S calls to tell me that the people who we got the kitten from, weren't gonna be home for this week or something, and if we wanted the kitten, we should get it soon. So obviously I jumped in my car to pick the kitten up that same minute. There were four of them. Originally, they thought they had two girls and two boys, but it turned out it was three girls and one boy. We wanted a girl. Lucky for us, the smallest and the cutest was a girl, and she came home with us. We wanted a small one, to give Miisu the best chance to accept her. We thought she might not accept her at all, and were expecting to have to take her back. But after only 30 minutes - it was like Miisu was her real mummy. Miisu thinks she is Emis mum and Emi believes Miisu is her mother. It's funny and cool, and deadly adorable. I love my girls :)

Seems like I haven't had the time or the energy to post for a few days. Yesterday I had a fucking headache that nearly killed me and Sunday was the Baby Shower. Don't worry - I got pictures. I'm not going to post them today though, I want to really sit down and write about it for real - not on the bed on my phone half asleep. And Saturday I worked all day and at night did the decorating, baking and cleaning. We had some games to finish up and had to set up the house for the party. We didn't do everything though - it got so late and we were all so tired. We finished up the next day before the party. The party was a huge success btw!

Today we went swimming with S. Stayed there most of the day. Usually we swim about 1 km - 1,5 km but today we did 2,5 km. It was awesome. Best type of exercise for S - water makes it easier to move if you're heavy or pregnant. But because we went swimming, I'm tired and especially my eyes feel like they are already falling behind on this awakeness. And I'm probably not making any sense either. So good night.

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Friday 15 June 2012

Being Sober While People Around You Drink..

..is not fun. I can only imagine how boring it is for S. I've been sober more times than drunk lately. Working more, and my projects take up most of my time nowadays. But the summer has only just begun and I have more than enough time to catch up..

Actually - the baby is coming - so I'll only have the first two weeks of July. But I think I'm working a lot.. I think I might have to try and squeeze a night or two out of those two weeks.. There's not gonna be that much free time when the baby comes. It's all good.

Once again, I find myself sat on a couch at some random guys house. Let me clarify.. V works with B, so not a random guy - but unfamiliar to me. And these two girls are only talking about stuff I'm not interested in. They seem nice enough - I'm just not in the mood. I wish I was in Sillanpää. Hmm.

Long day tomorrow. Work for 7 hours and then baking and decorating for the rest of the night. Then comes Sunday. I hope people show up. Otherwise all the baking, decorating, running around and stress will be for nothing. Just as long as S and J like it and are happy - I'm satisfied. Now I just need to get through tomorrow..

I've ran out of things to write about.. But if I post this - I'll have nothing to do. I already put all of my sims to bed for the night. I've updated my apps. I've checked all my emails. I've done my blog...

Ps. I want to do what Miisu is doing in that picture.

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Wednesday 13 June 2012

Not Only Good News

Today was full of sunshine, customers and good news!

We found out about B's holidays, which is great, because it's been on my mind for so long. It's been bugging me and I thought it was a bit shady, and now we know. And it feels great! He's gonna be able to take time off for real this year. We're also gonna be able to put more money into our savings account - actually we're just giving the money to my mum and she puts it in her savings account, so we can't spend it.

We also got the invitations done last night, and I drove them all around Kokkola today. It would have been easier (and less stressful) if I had a sense of direction..  But I don't, and I refused to use a navigator. Kokkola is such a small place.. Don't really need to navigate - just drive around, and eventually you'll find the right place. Hopefully people will show up on Sunday. Otherwise we'll have to eat all the goodies ourselves.. Hmm. On the other hand, hopefully people don't show up so that we can eat all the cake and chocolate and... Just joking. I want people to show up.

I had a nice day in work. Sunshine = a lot of people. We we're fairly busy and then J got sick enough to go to the doctors. He was off today and probably tomorrow. I don't know about Friday yet. It'll probably be just as busy tomorrow. We're gonna run out of ice cream..

Today I finished watching the last episode of The Mentalist Season 3. Patrick Jane shot Red John. Holy crap. I'm gonna have to start Season 4 tomorrow morning, just to find out what happens next.

It wasn't just good news today. There's something going on in work and with J, and I just don't know what it is. It's like he is off his game. It's probably his upcoming wedding in August - stressing over it will make it hard to concentrate on other stuff, like work. Hopefully it'll get sorted out, because otherwise I'll have to sit him down and have a serious talk. This wont do. No, no, no.

Drank a lot of water today - have a headache now. Will go to bed now. Goodnight!

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Tuesday 12 June 2012

True Blood is back!

I've waited for a very long time for True Blood to return for season 5, and now it's finally back. All of my programs usually go on break for the summer, but a few months ago, when I realized True Blood was gonna start in June, I felt the relief wash over me. It's not like I'm hooked on tv programs and don't have a life without them - I just like watching my programs. Then there are times when I watch one episode of some program I've never seen before, and get instantly hooked on it - then find out there's 3 seasons already out, with 24 episodes per season. Mentalist is one of these programs. I saw one episode on actual TV and wanted to see them all. I'm nearly done with season 3, and I have to watch season 4 before all my programs start up again in the autumn.

What a boring way to start this post. There's nothing to write about True Blood, because if you haven't seen it or don't like it, you wont want to read about it now.

Got up at 9.30 am. Played Sims on my phone (I know, boring - but had nothing else to do) and then took L to the stables. Went to get S and then went to town. Bought a few more things for the DIY Maternity Package, got a birthday present and had a nice salad lunch. We went swimming - we did 1,5 km, which is fantastic for someone who is giving birth next month. It was a little too cold to swim outside, so we stayed in. Now she's gone home, and I'm watching Mentalist and doing this. I'm also playing sims - I think I might be a little addicted to this game..

I need to get these invitations done today! There is no point in handing out invitations like a day before the party.. It's already too late to send them via post, so I'll have to drive each and every one of the invitations to the right addresses. Crap. Could do that tomorrow after work, if I get them done today..

Going to the shop now. Wish me luck!

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Sunday 10 June 2012

Cabbin fever

Sitting here in this relaxing enviroment, I can't help but to think - blah blah blah.

I'm no good at this Carrie - type of writing. But seriously, this place is so relaxing that B falls asleep during the first 2 hours we're here. Unless we're drinking, which is usually the case. I don't know what happened last night - we got here for 9ish and started drinking. Two ciders and 4 beers later, I gave up drinking. B was quick to follow. Actually, I think he gave up before I did, so I drank him under the table? Just joking. I seriously don't know what happened.. I think it's because S wasn't drinking. It's no fun without her.

B went fishing with J and J. They didn't catch anything. I think I need to take him fishing to the same place my dad used to take us. It's a really nice spot - with water so clear, you can see all the way to the bottom of the lake. Ok, maybe not all the way but nearly. It's a really nice place for fishing, we always caught something - not always big enough to eat, but the thrill is the same.

J is still asleep. He didn't stop drinking because he didn't feel like drinking - he stopped because he passed out. I don't know if he'll ever wake up again. Joking.

Now it's time to drink some more coffee, kill a few more bloodsuckers (no, not vampires) and play with the cats. Or maybe they've gone asleep now. I thought we'd sit outside today and soak in the sun, but it's raining. Miserable weather. Bullshit.

Coffee <3

Ps. That picture is one of those photos already on the tab straight out of the box, not one I took. Like you thought I was that good at taking pictures..

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Saturday 9 June 2012


Didn't get them done. We got quite far but then we ran out of patience, and we never got a white pen.. The invitations are black. We got the front done, with the date on it and the name of the party - Baby Shower, but there is more writing to be done. I'm having E do all that because her handwriting is prettier than mine.

I'm using this browser version, instead of the app, but I'm starting to realize how stiff this is to use.. So unless I'm actually posting a lot of pics with writing in-between, I should just keep using the app. I'm literally thinking about swithing to the app now. I'm such a quitter.

We didn't even do the cupdoard and the drawers. Shit. Well, there is always tomorrow.

I  didn't know I had so many readers in America. That's so cool :) Shouldn't be surprised, I do blog in english. But still it's really cool.

I'm not materialistic at all, in fact I don't usually want anything to do with stuff. But I really wanted the camera, and for a long time, and I got it. I took loads of pics in the beginning and now I haven't taken one in weeks. I've had time, but nothing to take pics of. It's been raining and cold out and when it's been sunny, I haven't even remembered that I have the camera. I want to learn more about how to take good pics and how to work the light and stuff, especially now that the baby is coming. I want to know how to take good photos, instead of those blurry (ugly) ones.

I've stopped taking pics for some reason. I know I'll be taking loads of pictures soon, when the kitten comes, but I shouldn't need an event like that, to shake me up. I love my camera. I love taking pictures. I have to start picking the camera up every day, that's the only way to learn new things.

I'm afraid the same will happen with the tab. I've been thinking about getting this for so long, but I thought I would use it all the time and then lose interest. I decided that wouldn't happen and therefore it will not.

I'm in work today, and yesterday I heard someone say it might rain today, but it's sunny sunny sunny! It kinda makes it easier to be inside all day if the weather is bad, I hate it when customers come in and complain about the sun and heat while eating an ice cream, and I'm stuck inside. I'll just have to deal with it. Anyway, have an amazing weekend! Let's keep our fingers crossed for sunshine and lollipops for the whole weekend :) 

Friday 8 June 2012

Jealous Little Thing

We are getting Miisu a little sister, and I'm fairly sure Miisu won't like it. I think she'll get jealous and misbehave. We've given her all of our love and attention every day, and now there will be someone else claiming some of it. Hopefully she'll learn to love the kitten..

Kitten, kitten, kitten. She'll be coming home to us in about a week or so. She'll be only 8 weeks old, which is too young and too early to take away from her mum, but for Miisu to accept her, she needs to be as small as possible. I asked about her, and the owner said that she is eating food and using the litter box , so it'll be fine.

I completed another one of the things on my list! I uploaded pictures to Skydrive, so no more 'no pics' posts. I'm getting a few more things done today..

~ Invitations for the baby shower

~ Write down all the other stuff that needs doing for the baby shower (lists, whippii!)

~ Clean out the drawers in the kitchen (two of them are a mess)

~ Clean out the large cupboard in the kitchen (B promised to do that one)

~ Clean up around the house (just finished doing that, I just wanted to flaunt)

I can't think of any more.. But I'm sure I'll think of more during the day. There is one more thing I need to get done today, but I'll have to go into town for it.

If I want to pick the placement of the picture, I'll have to use the actual blog's website, instead of this application.. But I'll put up the pic anyway.

It's a beautiful day today, and it's great to be able to bring this tab outside on the balcony.. Oh yes, I'm still completely in love with my tab, tab, tabby :)

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Thursday 7 June 2012

Life is Good.

I've been reading this blog about a girl and her life. She is a deeply disturbed girl, with loads of problems. She's (probably) bulimic, self-harms and has some kind of mental illness or personality disorder. This is what I've learned reading her blog. I haven't got that far though, there's like 150 posts every month.. I mean, who has that kind of time on their hands? I guess, people like her, who have nothing else to do than to think about themselves and how bad they have it. I shouldn't be so mean, she has some sort of illness she can't fix but I don't see how writing about it all day everyday, helps. Then again, I don't have an illness.

Reading her blog makes me feel better about myself, my life and my health. And how I should stop trying so hard, because life is already way better than with some, at least this one person. But I'm sure she's not the only one with those kind of problems - I don't have. I have a job, friends, family, boyfriend, home, pets and more. Best of all, I have my health.

We just got a new baby (my sisters kitten - Neko) and soon there will be a real baby in the family. I can't wait! I booked 2 weeks off work at the end on July - to be there to catch the baby. Just joking. But I really want to be there when the baby comes. It will be the highlight of the whole year and the most precious miracle! Everyday I find something new to be thankful for. I am truly grateful for everything I have - and what I'm about to be a part of. Life is truly good.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


I finally got it. I've been thinking about getting one since like last summer, when J in work got his. I always said (maybe once or twice), that if I had a tab, I'd totally do my blog more.. I'm thinking about actually keeping that promise, so why not start today? :)

Things on my To Do - list:

~ Clean out the hallway closet

We literally did that yesterday. But I'm so happy about it being done, that I had to mention it first. There was a ton of stuff in there! An amazing about of trash - bags and boxes full of stuff, but about a half of all that stuff was for the bin. We must have taken at least 6 binbags and a dozen cardboard boxes out. Holy crap. And you wouldn't believe how neat and tidy it now is. Fucking hallelujah.

~ Clean out upstairs storage

Haven't done that yet. We did take out the empty boxes, but going through all the stuff in there,  will take hours. Not like the closet didn't take hours (it claimed several hours) but this will take even longer. We need to do it soon though, it'll get too hot to spend all that time upstairs.. Soon.

~ Buy B clothes (!!)

This wasn't even on my list before we cleaned the closet, and realized B only has one shelf of clothes.. I always knew he had less clothes than me, but this amount he has, doesn't even fill a small suitcase.. Holy crap. Definitely jumps to the top of the list.

~ Project Balcony

We won't fill the balcony with flowers this year. Miisu sleeps on the flowers = ruined. But we will get something that looks good and smells nice. We'll get this done later this month.

~ Baby Shower

We have finally decided on the date for the party. There is still quite a few loose ends, but I'm sure I'll get everything done in time.. Especially with the help of E. She'll help me make it happen. I'm off Friday, so it's the perfect day to spend on making the invitations. A little help, please?

This list of mine is long as hell, and if I don't stop writing about it now, I'll just keep thinking about new stuff to add to it. Instead, I should keep in mind the things that were on that list, before all this new stuff got added on only a little while ago. There are things I've been meaning to do for ages, and it's about time I get them off my list.

No pics on the tab yet, and haven't put pics up on Skydrive. Will do that next. That's been on the list for a looong time now....

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