Thursday 4 June 2009

Orrell Water Park <3

Yesterday we took a walk to the Orrell Water Park. It was one of the hottest days we've had since the summer began which isn't a big deal since summer officially started like 2 days ago :) Hah. Anyway, I took some pictures of the lake and the geese and ducks that wandered around :)

We stood very close to the ducks and geese eating the grass and what ever they could find :) This one here is something else.. It's like a goose and a duck together! So maybe we should call it a Doose :) Nobody, not even the guy who was feeding them, knew what this one was! Hah :) Ugly duckling, and the guy who fed them told us that this one doesn't have any friends and everybody is afraid of it :) I think he or she was the prettiest one of them all! <3

We were a little bit scared of the big Canadian geese because they can attack you if they think you're going to hurt them so B made me walk past them first :) It's OK BooBoo, I'll protect you from the birdies :) It was a really nice day. The sun was shining all day long and it was so hot and nice that we just had to buy some ice cream :) So for that moment, my diet went out of the window HAH :)

Here you have a few more pretty pictures I took on our walk :)

Enjoy the summer and the nice warm weather :)

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