Tuesday 16 June 2009

My Life Today :)

Do Americans hate the British ? There seems to be so many problems between the two nations and because I live in Britain, I get all the problems as well.. How can some things be so hard just because of something like that ? Oh well, there is nothing I can do about something like that. Hmm.

Today I cooked for me and B. Actually I started to cook and then B came home and took over :) Hah. We had some good pasta and now we're watching Medium on TV. Actually I'm watching it and B is reading a magazine.

Yesterday I cleaned the bunny out. I'm thinking about giving him a bath or taking him with me to the shower or something so that he would feel safe and not freak out when the water comes :) He is such a baby and he is always scared of everything. I made him into a mama's boy bunny instead of a brave manly rabbit :)

When P was here we kinda gave him a little bath but just like putting water on him and not putting him in water and I took the cutest picture of him tryin' to get the water of himself!

The Cutest Thing Ever !

I bought the new Cosmopolitan today. I wanted to get it to read it on the airport or on the plane or something :) I've got a book, Hannibal, which I started reading two days ago and then I've got the Cosmopolitan and then there is this thing called 'business plan' that I still need to finish. Actually, I want to do it right and perfect and I thought maybe those 12 hours on the airport will give me enough time to do just that. And then if I get bored or something I can read one of those other things :)

I went to buy fluffs for Dorothy but they said they didn't have any and that they'll get more on wednesday. I'll have to go back then. She is so hungry she even attacked me when I put my hand in.. So I bought her this smaller fluff and when B got home from work, he had the joy of feeding her and putting his hand inside the tank :) Hah.

Ryanair sent me 2 or 3 emails saying I need to do my online check-in now now NOW and so NOW I have to go do it :) Sorry I don't have more to give you today! Oh and I want to thank a friend of mine for trying to help me out today, even though it in the end didn't work, I appreciate the effort :) Thank you! I'm out :)

1 comment:

  1. Söpö! Nähään kahenviikon päästä :) Vai oliko se sillon? En oikeen muista :D
