Saturday 20 June 2009

It's quite hectic here at the moment with preparations going on everywhere. I already did my hair and make up and now I stole a moment to come online and write about it :)

There has been a lot of rain and not so much sun and it's still possible that we'll have rain instead of sunshine but we'll take it as it comes. Everything is pretty much set up outside and the rest of the family is on their way as we speak. We still need to go get the Bride from the hair dressers and get her ready to say 'I Do'.

The children are playing outside and one of them is constantly playing 'Ukkonoa' on the piano. I thought her to play it earlier this morning and now she keeps playing it over and over again. Probably just to remember it for when she goes home, so she can play it for her mother :)

Unfortunately I can't put any pictures on the blog while I'm here, in the middle of nowhere, because I'm on the Bride's laptop and all but I will put some on when I go back to England or when I go home to Kokkola. I'm hoping to take some pictures of the wedding but I might have to delete some of the pictures on my phone because it's quite full :) We'll see what happens.

Our parrot is not liking the piano song anymore and is really annoyed and trying to threaten the little girl. Hah. Poor birdie. He is going asleep now. Or at least trying to, since the girl is still playing :) Kids are the best aren't they ? :)

Now I need to go! We're going to go get the Bride and then do a cheese thing for the wedding and and and ... There are still some things that need to get done before the photos of the couple get taken at 12 o'clock. Tell you all about it later :)

Have a very nice midsommer!

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