Saturday 13 June 2009

Cathedral <3

This morning I went to Town with P because he needed to catch the train to Manchester Airport at around 9 o'clock but we got there too early and so we had some tea at the Station Café. I took him to the train and we hugged goodbye. It's not going to be long until I can do some more partying with him because it's only like a week or so til I go home :) We had a blast while he was here and I need to sit down now and tell you all about it! Maybe not all because that would take a lot of time but I'll tell you some things :)

So B and I took P to Liverpool the other day. There wasn't any shopping we wanted to do but he wanted to walk around and see the pretty buildings and the people and that was just fine with me since I hate shopping :) We walked around the centre before we decided to walk to China Town. Nothing was really open when we got there since it was so early in the afternoon and I was told that everything kinda comes to life in the night-time. But we still took some pictures and apparently the gateway or what ever, is one of or the oldest one in Europe. Cool isn't it ?

Here is that gateway thing I was talking about. I can't remember what it's called :) Hah! It was really big and pretty and I really felt bad not having a better camera but I will go back some day with my super camera :) I took more pictures and here you have some of them :)

There were a lot of interesting things in China Town and one of the prettiest was this right here! They had them all over and I think I wouldn't mind at all having something like this on my driveway or in my garden or something :) If you'd like to read more about this China Town, you can do so here .

When we were walking out of China Town, I saw this pretty park and I wanted to go take a picture. As we were walking towards the park, we saw this humongous building in the background.. Liverpool Cathedral.

We were like half a mile away and it was so big it didn't seem to be that far away at all! Thankfully we got there on time and the Cathedral was still open for public and we went in. I took a lot of pictures and I would have taken a lot more but that was the day my phone decided to die on me. I should have double-checked my phone's battery before I left the house but I didn't. I can always go back there and take more pictures.. Here you have some of them!

This is one from outside the Cathedral. Look how big it is! You can see the car and the person walking along the path next to it and they are quite small comparing to the Cathedral ..

I tried to make the whole big space fit on the photo but it was impossible!

One of the first things you notice is the space and this! Behind that panel thing there the big church men do their thing, or used to to their thing in case they don't use it anymore. I don't really know! All I know is that it's god damn beautiful and huge! And probably made of gold!

Those stairs you can see in the back go upstairs but the public wasn't allowed there which was disappointing, but I guess it's a safety risk so I can't be too mad about that :)

You can't really see it because the light in the back is so strong but this huge thing is where they used to (or still do if they still use it today) baptize the children. It's amazing! If I wanted to become a part of this religion and join the church, I would definitely get baptized right here! :)

I guess this is where the preacher or what ever gets up on to speak..

In the back you can see the golden thing again, big and beautiful.

This was like a small praying room on the side somewhere hiding :) It was really quiet you know a place where people can have some peace and I actually felt like I was doing something wrong by taking a picture of it because it was like so calm and peaceful and I felt like if there was or is a God then He would have been looking down on me telling me to leave the room! Haha. It was really pretty though and if I wanted to pray for something, this would be the place for it. The candles in the other picture were just outside the room so you like light a candle and then go in the room..

There is some dead guy inside that. At least that's what B said and it's probably true.. Hmm. That thing was really big and it had the persons name on it and everything. And it was really old so the guy inside must have been there for quite some time! Hah :) Oh well.

This is a model of the Cathedral in a glas box.

Imagine this, a small chapel inside the Cathedral which is bigger than some churches I've been to! Now the place has to be big if THIS is a SMALL part of it!

The whole place is full of these old doors that are so god damn beautiful it's unbelievable! This is something I'm going to get in my house or summer house or something when I make a lot of money and can afford to put money in these kind of things! Can't wait!

Most of these pictures don't need any explanation but I need to tell you that the windows in the Cathedral are very beautiful as you can see in this picture.

The whole place was so amazing and I really need to go back again and take my parents with me so they can see all the beautiful things inside :)

After we left the Cathedral we walked back to the centre where we went for a drink before taking the bus back home. It was a really long day but it didn't matter because we had some nice refreshing drinks in the frigde when we got home and we had quite a few while we watched some good comedy on TV. It was a nice day! :)

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