Tuesday 16 June 2009

Countdown <3

It won't be long now! Can't wait! 2 days and I'm outta here!

My baby is already missing me

Today we got quite a few things done :) We went to the bank to sort some things out before we go on our holiday, we put money on the lecci and washed our clothes. I still need to do one more wash tonight when BooBoo comes home because then I can wash his chef whites as well. I still need to fix this little rip on one of my tops but that's going to take like 2 minutes so it's fine.

I started my list today :) I still need to really think about everything so I don't forget to bring something. All I really need is a good mood and some summer clothes! What else ? My laptop ? I can't bring that with me, I'm sorry to say.. BooBoo needs to use my laptop for Skype so that we can talk. We still haven't figured out what the problem with the other computers sound is. Hmm. We'll have to sort that out when my brother gets here since he knows more about computers and the set up than I do :)

Swine Flu. The talk of the day .. 3 weeks ago. There is still some things being mentioned about it but the panic has subsided and things are back to normal. I'm sure there will be some new influenza soon enough so don't worry!

I've got a confession to make. I'm jealous. That makes me kind of sad because I'm jealous of a 73-year-old man. Doesn't that sound sad and pathetic ? Well, after I tell you the reason for my jealousy, you will understand. The 73-year-old grandfather just won £25 million in the lottery! Damn! You jealous now ? It actually only makes me jealous because I'm trying to win like £50 000 so I can start my own business.. And a little while back there was a 90-year-old woman who won something like £100 million in the lottery! Why are all the big wins going to the elderly ? Beats me.

I'm thinking I'm going to need some ice cream to make me feel better :) And to help me with my womanly symptoms. Since I was on the Pill for so long, I never knew what you go through when you're ovulating. You're hot and you've got pains and all those kind of nice little things that make you feel oh so uncomfortable. Oh well, I'm sure some nice ice cream and fudge sauce will make it all better :)

Dear Mother, I'm sorry for I have sinned and will eat ice cream when I'm not supposed to :) I love you for still trying to help me with the diet and all but at the moment it's just not going to happen for me.. Maybe I'll start it up again when I get home and we can do it together :) Promises promises.

I don't know if there is anything else that I've done today that is worth mentioning.. I still need to do B's online check-in but I'll do that on thursday. B will be home soon and then we'll get the goodies and cuddle on the couch. Maybe we'll even watch The Ring or something :) Spooky.

If you've got someone to cuddle with, you are really lucky and you should cuddle cuddle CUDDLE all night long! :) Have a nice night everybody!

1 comment:

  1. Hurray! My doll is coming home! Vi kan gå ti Sköna Clara! O sen ti PEDRINAS! wuhuuu <3 :) miss you, ring mig då du e hemma! Jag jobbar no lite nu som då, kommer int ihåg exakta tidtabeller men nån ledig dag har jag nog, o före/efter jobbe kan vi synnas! O hej didä blåa nagellacken finns fortfarande kvar! Jag så åt dej, dessutom har de kommi jätte snygga nya färger in också som du kanske sku gilla, + NEON färger ;) ciao beibeh!
