Thursday 11 June 2009

Juoppohullun Päiväkirja <3

Once again I have neglected my blog and my dear readers.. I do apologize for that. I'll try not to make that same mistake in the future, I've just been busy and tired after being up to no good with my cousin who is visiting :) Drinking is a very bad thing to do til the morning because it kinda messes up the normal rhythm of sleep and your brain doesn't understand when to be awake and when to sleep. Hah. Tonight I'll sleep like a baby!

At the moment I'm waiting for my dinner. B is such a good sport for still making us something to eat, even though he's been to work all day long cooking :) We're getting some mashed potatos, pork and pepper sauce. The best thing ever and it'll taste even better now since I've been on that bullshit diet for so long.. B said it'll be OK if I skip the diet this week and he promised to come back on it after P goes home :)

Today I finished that collection of short stories I was talking about earlier. It was really good! All of the stories were about killing your spouse and getting away with it. But they were interesting and that kind that you didn't really get the whole point or who was going to get killed before the actual murder took place. And the characters were interesting, funny and they were more or less different in their own way :) I recommend that book for people who enjoy stories like that :)

Maybe I'll start a new book tomorrow :) Probably that Da Vinci Code or maybe I should leave that for the time I'm going to spend on the airport waiting for my flight. Hmm. Tough decisions :) Now I need to go eat my dinner because I'm starving!

But before that, I want to or I need to tell you about this book I just finished reading. Another one. A book P brought with him and he told me it was really good and I can't even believe how much I laughed reading that one! It was one of the funniest books I've ever read. Actually, it probably IS the funniest book I've ever read! :) If you're in need of some laughing my ass off on the floor crying of too much laughter - seriously read this book!!

The book is called : Juha Vuorinen - Juoppohullun Päiväkirja . That is one of the best books I've ever read, it's so god damn funny :) Here's a picture of the book.

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