Friday 16 August 2013

Why So Angry?

You know when sometimes you start thinking about the pros and cons of your job, and find that there are less pros than cons? That's how I felt today.. But I think it was mostly because of this one customer - the last customer to walk into the shop. He walked in 2 minutes before closing, because according to him, his business would be quickly dealt with - give him a something worth 144 € for free and he'd be on his merry way. Well, you can probably already understand why this situation didn't go according to his plan. There was quite a lot of shouting and cursing from his side of the table, and a lot of confused yet understanding nods from my side. Not that I understood his problem and had sympathy for him - I understood what he said and found it ridiculous! But I understood how easy it is to misunderstand something and think you're in the right when actually, you couldn't be more wrong. He made me stay overtime but finally left without throwing anything at me - success!

It's been raining all day. Full on raining, not just some shitty English piss rain, but really raining like the sky is trying to make an ocean out of this Earth. Because of the rain, the shopping center was absolutely dead all day.. We did get some busy times, but that was because people came in after work to sort out their business - the usual, changing simcards and what not. But the hours seem to stretch out and it felt like I was there for a week, in stead of just 8 hours. I'm hoping it'll be a little nicer out tomorrow, but I doubt it. I'll be working the later shift and one of our guys is off sick (again!), so I'll have to stay in for an hour on my own - all alone in my loneliness.. But if it's sunny and nice outside, I will have people to talk to and help me pass the time. Let's keep our fingers crossed for some sunshine, shall we?

Today a friend told me about this girl who got into a car accident, and how she has a bright look on life, goes swimming and out for a stroll - does things normal people lazy out on doing. And we got to thinking.. This girl who's paralyzed from the waist down, does more to stay healthy than we two-working-legs people do. I mean - we should be out taking walks, swimming and shit, to stay fit, like this girl in a wheelchair. Aren't we just the laziest people ever? Also, we complain about a lot of things.. Like standing in line at the checkout buying groceries - at least we can stand up. Or having to walk somewhere, instead of getting a ride there - at least we can walk. I understand these examples are obvious ones, but they are the most important ones.. We always put more value on something we don't have or have had and now have lost, instead of being grateful for what we actually have and while we still have it. Like our health. God, I really have to start doing more stuff - just because I can.

Now it's sadly once again my bedtime. I hung around with I after work, had dinner and now it's time to close my eyes.. That's one of those cons again.. Starting work later, means that you also finish later. And by the time you've made your way home, gone to the shop, ate dinner and done what ever needs doing - it's almost time for bed. But I shouldn't complain - at least I have a job, and two working legs.

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