Saturday 17 August 2013

Bad Day

I woke up this morning wishing I hadn't. I don't mean I didn't want to wake up, but I didn't want to wake up today. I just had a feeling it would be a shitty day, and I was right. I was already in a bad mood and some of the customers were really testing my patience.. I was literally counting the minutes until closing time. But I finished strong and in a good mood - one customer I had helped loads yesterday and today (not Finnish, which made the helping part a little harder) came by at the end of the day and brought me chocolate! It was such a surprise, because Finnish people rarely do such a thing. I really appreciated the gesture :)

It's raining. That's all I have to say about the weather. There are only so many ways you can express your dislike for rain. And it's constantly raining now. Feel like I'm back in England..

We went to the shop after work, bought some food and it's cooking in the oven right now. It'll be another 30 minutes until it's ready. Then I'll eat, sit on the computer until I get tired and then I'll go to bed. That's the plan for today.. I did text S to find out what's happening today at the countryside, but she didn't answer. We might pop down to see them.. I really miss J even though it's only been a couple of days since I last saw her. My mom and stepdad went to my stepdads moms funeral today. They've had a day of stress and misery, so they might want to be left alone - then again, they might appreciate a visit. I shall give them a call right now..

They are not all at the countryside.. Have to decide who we go visit.. My mom and stepdad or S,J and J. Decisions, decisions.. I'm actually already going down to the countryside tomorrow, so I think it'll be S,J and J tonight :) I'm dying to kiss and cuddle J anyway :)

Now I think our food is ready! Mmmm.. Chicken wings and chips! Haven't had anything to eat all day - starving!

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