Sunday 11 August 2013

Still Recovering..

Friday we had a party for B's BDay. I'm still recovering from that. B went to work yesterday and I and I stayed at ours watching movies for like 10 hours or so. I mean, we watched 6 movies! Our hangover-let's-watch-movies-all-day record was 5 movies, and now it's officially 6. We watched the sickest movie ever... It was so sick, disgusting, horrible, disturbing and plain gross, that I'd rather not reveal the name of this flick. But seriously - Never Again! Other than that fucked up film, we watched some nice movies and had a nice hangover day. I have really grown to enjoy these days we spend together - playing dead on the couch, eating crap and watching stupid ass movies :) The hangover I don't love, but all the other stuff is great!

So the party was a success! Everyone had a great time, people got drunk, people talked and laughed, there was music and at the end of the night - some much needed sleep. I wasn't really wasted but I can't say I was sober either :) There was no fighting, nothing broke.. All these make up a perfect party :)

Our car is at the shop but we're getting it back tomorrow, so it's all good. Probably have to go out of town to find out if we can get mice for Frank. It would be good to have some in the freezer, ready for the day we run out of food. Ordering from England is a lot cheaper than buying all the food in Finland, but sometimes it might take what feels like forever to arrive, especially now that the packages are staying in Customs for a few days.. Anyway, we'll check on the mice situation tomorrow.

We went on a bike ride today, B and I. We did 15 km! I think it's pretty good for someone who hasn't touched their bike for a year. It was quite nice - it wasn't too hot or cold, perfect summer's day, with the wind in my hair and bottle of water :) I'll do it again tomorrow. Would have to go on longer rides and a couple of times a week to make a difference, but I understand the first few times are the hardest, and I've already gone once so halfway there? Just joking. But it'll be fine, I'm sure.

Now it's time for some sun and an ice cold pint of Fosters - balcony, here I come!

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