Wednesday 7 August 2013

Some People...

..are wankers.

This customer came in today, one of those know-it-all guys.. He was quite nice to start with (probably because he was quiet and didn't really say much - his son did most of the talking) but at some point the whole thing took a wrong turn and I ended up listening to him tell me about my job. He seemed to know how it all works, what can be done and what can't. He said he knew everything because he used to be a policeman. At one point I actually asked him if he ever worked at a shop like ours, and he said no - so how the fuck could he know how something is done? He didn't and doesn't. He was such an asshole, can't even believe what a shitty attitude he had. He demanded to speak to my supervisor, who then explained everything exactly as I had done, which he wasn't happy about, and he ended up leaving with an even shittier attitude. Some people just don't understand when to shut the fuck up, or how big of an ass they are being.

The rest of the day was quite alright, even though it was fairly quiet. It's been quiet for a few days now, but tomorrow we're doing something different - ice cream + one sexy bitch to lure the people in! It'll be a lot more fun than today was, and I'll have someone to eat lunch with - winning!

It was B's BDay yesterday. I didn't post anything and now I feel quite bad about it.. We're having a party for him on Friday though, haven't had one in ages so it should be a lot of fun! We haven't really been to the bars either.. Not for a very long time. The last time I went out to the clubs (loose term, since Kokkola is such a tiny place) was like February maybe? Can't be that long.. I actually spent some time in a hotel club, when I went on that overnight business trip in May - does that count? Don't know if we'll be going to bars but we might do. B is working on Saturday so he might not want to stay out late. We'll see.

I watched the last episode of Skins today. I mean, I think it's the last episode, ever. I remember them saying that at the end of the previous episode. Can't believe it's all over.. They kinda did everything they could with it, so I guess it's only natural for it to come to some sort of conclusion and end there. I'll be watching all the seasons again, more than once - I'm sure of it. Goodbye Skins.

It's closing in on my bedtime, so for my darling B - I love you. You are the love of my life. I don't know what I would do without you. You throw a mean hissy fit and even then, I love you with all my heart. Happy Birthday babes!

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