Wednesday 6 March 2013

Snow Storm On A Quiet Day

That's all I've got.

This is not a picture of the snow storm that is happening outside. I don't want to go outside for a picture. I looked at some pretty pictures of snow storms and decided - fuck it, I'll just use this mountain picture instead. This post won't be lively or happy, I'm tired and bored. Not physically tired, it's just so damn slow in work - I am falling asleep.

I should have some lunch. But I can't be asked walking to the fridge. I'm also afraid I'll miss the nonexistent customers if I leave this desk. The most useful thing I've done today was empty the bins. I'm also trying to sort this huge mess for a customer but it's down to waiting for one more email before I can give them the bad news. This day sucks. I was actually hoping it was our fault - it would have made their life so much easier. Thankfully they want me to send them all the information via email and not the phone - I don't think I could handle any more of her crying. Hopefully it'll all work out for them.

I didn't read the 80 pages last night. I ended up reading about 20 pages and it felt like an hour had passed without me getting anywhere. It doesn't take long to read one page but it seems like it takes more than 5 minutes for this book. I can't believe how little I managed to read it yesterday. I should start getting up an hour earlier every day just to spend that hour reading. But I would have to get up an hour earlier.. That doesn't sound good at all.

We have to fill in a lot of paperwork today. B needs to renew his passport and it seems like the only way to do it, is filling in a bunch of paperwork, send it somewhere and 4 weeks later he should have a new passport. Hopefully it's that simple - I don't want to spend all that time filling in papers for nothing in return. It'll be fine. I'm just bored and thinking - I'd rather fill in that paperwork than sit here doing nothing. Where are you people? Hello customers! Come in and have a chat!

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