Tuesday 12 March 2013


I feel you kitty cat. That is exactly how I feel. I've had so little customers today - it's unbelievable! Where have all the people gone? I've done nothing but stare at the door, waiting for someone to come in and maybe ask for help - just to have something to do. I finished reading the book at around 3 o'clock so three hours in boredom..

I've already done everything that needs doing, including the cleaning so now it's a waiting game - counting minutes until 6pm. I still have to do the mopping but I'll do that closer to closing because as soon as I've finished mopping, someone will walk in here and mess the floor up. It would be fine if they actually wanted to buy something, but they just make sure they've made every clean surface dirty and then leave.

S asked me if I wanted her and J to come sleep over at our house on Wednesday - easier to leave town the next morning - and of course I said yes! I get to spend the whole night with J! Even though she'll be sleeping for most of the night, she'll still be there :) I'm so happy. It's J's first sleep over. S will be there so it's not really one of those sleep overs where B and I would have to get by on out own, so maybe it's better that S is there - to keep J alive. Just joking.

I thought; Hey, I'll spend the next 40minutes writing this blog post, and that'll give me something to do, but I'm nearly finished with this and it's only been a few minutes. I have nothing to write about..

I'm just gonna go mop the floor again. I'm saying again, because I already mopped it once, and as I predicted, someone came in as soon as it was washed, looked around while walking the floor dirty and then leaving the shop. Thank you! Off to mop we go!

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