Tuesday 5 March 2013

One Book A Month 2013

That is what this is. I thought I'd read a book a month for the whole of 2013 but so far I've read one. I haven't even reached the 600page halfway point on my second book. To be fair - I started the first book on like the last week of January, it had something like 700pages or 900pages and I chose an equally hard-to-read and long (1200pages) book for my second book. I could take a break from this one and read a couple of Finnish books in between to catch up.. That's a thought. Or I could suck it up and read this one now.

It's not that the language is hard to understand or anything like that (ok, maybe a little) because a big chunk of the book is about something that happened hundreds of years ago and is written the way they would have back then. But for the most part it's just the fact that I don't find a lot of it interesting. The book is good and the storyline is easy to follow, but there's a lot of explaining things to the tiniest detail (like in my January book) and those parts can get a bit boring. I think I just need to get through this one part (no more than a couple of hundred pages) and it should get easier.

On another note - we started the cats on the Pill. We just couldn't handle them being in heat all the time and had to give Miisu a rest. She is doing much better now! She comes to you and wants to be stroked and sleeps next to us and everything - just like before the heat that would never end. Emi is the same. So now instead of them fighting all the time, they actually play together and love each other. It's perfect :) Now we're a big happy family once again.

Now it's at least 80 pages before bed. Have to get this reading on track. I want to finish this book and the next one before the end of the month. Somehow I don't see that happening..

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