Monday 11 March 2013

Redhead Once Again?

I was so against dyeing my hair red because it's so much work to keep it that way, but I decided to try a reddish brown, just to see what it looks like and if I could live with that. The only problem is, that my hair has been dark brown for that long now, that I really don't know if the dye stuck or not. Obviously it stuck to the roots but having only them red and everything else brown, isn't really a desirable result. Tomorrow morning we'll see how it turned out.

I know I said I would only read one of these old favourites and then get back to my original choice but I couldn't help myself and I started reading another one. But I'm nearly finished with that one as well. They are so easy to read - they weren't made complicated or hard to read on purpose - and so it's like 50pages just fly by. I'll finish this one and then get back to the one I was already reading. At least I've caught up then. This book I'm about to finish, will be my third book of the year so the one I was reading before, can be stretched out as far as the end of April. Hopefully I'm done with it before then.

So I finally got my birthday present from B. It wasn't delayed because of anything he did - the Twilight Blueray Box just wasn't out until now. I spent all day Sunday watching it and for some unforeseeable circumstances, I wasn't left with enough time to watch Breaking Dawn Part 2. But I watched it today :) I'll have the chance for another Twilight Marathon soon enough - I hasn't seen all of them, only the first two. So I'll have to watch them all again with her. Like I mind. I fucking love Twilight and I ain't ashamed to admit it!

Now it's time to do some reading and then it's bedtime for me. Hope you're having an amazing start of a new week - I certainly am!

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