Wednesday 20 March 2013

One Week

That's how long it's been since my last post. It's actually like 8 days ago, but who's really counting? I know that S is. Oh well, at least I'm finally doing it.

So what's happened in the last week.. We went out of town on a shopping spree - spent a little more money than we expected but not as much as we were prepared to spend. It was a really good day. J was happy and didn't cry at all, we had a really nice (healthy) dinner that consisted of kebab and chips and then we drove home. We were all really happy about the stuff we got, so all and all - successful road trip.

The diet.. hmm. That hasn't been going too well. I mean, we've stuck to it all the days but the ones we didn't stick to it. And lately, there's been quite a few of those days. I'm so disappointed in myself! I truly feel like I've gained back everything I've lost (not true) and that I now have to really push myself to do some exercise. I haven't been doing any and I was still on track, but I wasted a couple of weeks and I now have to play catch up. Shit fuck.

One Book A Month - Project. I decided to read all of the old favourites before getting back to the original one. I'm now reading the third book, so there are still two left. I thought - I'm making so much progress in such a short amount of time, and that I wont have much time to read in the summer, that I might as well get ahead of the schedule now. I doesn't matter if I read more than 12 books this year, I just don't want to read less. And these books don't count as rereading something because it was like 12 years ago, when I first read these.

J has stayed over for 2 nights now. S stayed as well, so it wasn't really just B, J and I. But that day will come. Maybe this weekend? She is supposed to spend the weekend with my mum (I think), so she could maybe spend one of those days at our house.. that's a thought. Anyway, everything went great and we now know J doesn't cry for mommy, no matter how long she spends with me, so it's safe to leave her in my capable hands. S made a good point - maybe coz we look so alike and sound alike, that I'm familiar to J and that's the reason she doesn't cry with me - I remind her of her mommy. Oh god how much I love that little girl! I missed her like crazy when she left.

Now it's work, work, work until the weekend. Then I'm officially on my winter holiday! I'm only working Monday and Tuesday and then it's relaxing and sippin' on something (possibly) containing alcohol. But for now - back to work!

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