Saturday 16 February 2013

Valentines Day..

..has been and gone.

I got B something I knew he'd appreciate and he loved it. We had the most romantic night! We started with this candle lit dinner (frozen pizzas while watching The Big Bang Theory), followed by a romantic movie night (more Big Bang Theory) and when we couldn't take it any longer, we moved the party to the bedroom. It was the best night of my life! Pure pleasure - sleeping deeply.
We've been working a lot lately so we're exhausted but it was still a very good Valentines Day.

We went out for dinner last night and afterwards watched two disturbing movies with I and B. We've watched these horrible, disgusting and all together awful movies for like 3 movie nights now. I think B might have had enough but we still have the foreign horrors left and they are usually more gruesome than the American horror movies. Can't wait! I is leaving town for a month so I've got to spend all the time I can with her before she goes..

It's been a really long week for me. A couple of early mornings (making the day even longer) and suddenly you're twice as tired as you would be if you got to sleep those couple of hours you now lost. I can't even begin to describe all the other places I'd rather be right now, instead of being at work. But I want the money.. I can tell you this much - I couldn't do this for more than a couple of months a year. Too tired.

I haven't had anything to eat today because E is treating me to a (not so healthy) dinner after work and I thought I'd save the calories and the room in my belly, for all that gorgeous food I am about to have :)

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