Wednesday 13 February 2013

Book One - Done!

I have now finished reading the first book of the year. I finished it last night and thank god for that. I still have time to read another book this month and get this thing on track.

The book I read is called The Passage by Justin Cronin. I was sceptical about the storyline in the beginning but as the story moved forward (it seemed to move painfully slow at times) it became more interesting and I didn't feel like putting the book down and giving up - that's always good. I wouldn't read it again - not because it wasn't good, but this particular book is one you only read once.

I would tell you more about it but this would go from a short blog post to a novel in a matter or minutes, if I started explaining the story. It was confusing at times but it all came together at some point and made sense. It had a happy ending but also an unhappy ending, sort of. Most of the main characters died but the world survived, so I guess mainly a happy ending.

I was thinking about picking up a less time consuming book to read for the remaining days of February, but I ended up choosing one that seems just as confusing as the first. Hopefully it ends up being as interesting as The Passage, because I only have two weeks to read it. That's more time than I need but I'm in work all the time so I really don't have time for 8 hour reading sessions..

It's back to work and if it's quiet, I'll get acquainted with The Witching Hour by Anne Rice.

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