Wednesday 6 February 2013

Halfway Point

I have now reached this in the book I'm reading. I haven't got as much time for reading as I've had before but that's not the only reason it's taking me so long to make progress - it's a very confusing book. I mean, the story isn't very confusing, just takes a lot of imagination and understanding but the way it's been written is just.. confusing.

There is a storyline but there's a lot going on in between that doesn't seem to have any purpose but to tell you more about the characters - there are a lot of characters and a lot of them die - so I don't see the point of having 10 extra pages written about their lives in the past or explain some story about something once happened to them.

Timeframe is also quite blurry to me. It feels like a lot of time might have passed and then suddenly you realize it's only been one day - the movie 1408 anyone? - or that it has somehow jumped a year into the future.

I've never read a book like this, but Stephen King gave it a really good review - one of my all time favourites - that I just had to read it. It might take a little longer because honestly, this is weirder than Stephen King books but I'll get there and finally find out the answers to all my questions. Although I'm not quite sure about that one - this book doesn't provide you with backstories of a lot of the important stuff you'd like to know about and focuses more on the people. That would be fine if the story wasn't about so much more than just people.

I'm not going to get into the details on the story because quite frankly, I don't know how to explain it without sounding like an incoherent child, so instead I will wait until I've finished the whole thing. I need to keep on reading now - at least another two chapters - to maximize my chances of finishing this book in time to read another book before the end of this month.

At least one book a month, right?

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