Tuesday 19 February 2013

Sunday <3

I love Sunday. Sunday is the day I get to sleep in and do as I wish. Of course there are some limitations to what I can actually do - like drinking. I couldn't possibly get drunk on Sunday because of work on Monday and I really don't want to be hangover on my only day off so that rules out spending Saturday night sippin'. I used to hate Sundays - that day before going back to school but now I've seen a whole new side of Sunday, and it's not that bad.

Also, this past Sunday I got to spend some time with a little princess. She has grown so much! I hate it. She should stay little and adorable. Soon she'll be walking and talking and that's going to suck. Not because I don't want her to do those things, but then she'll be able to walk away from me.. Now I can just hold her as long as I want. I've missed her so much lately, seems like there aren't enough hours in the day for me to spend time with anyone but my bed and The Sandman.

My friends J and J got engaged on Friday! They came into the shop yesterday and told me all about it. He got down on one knee and everything - just like in movies. I am over the moon happy for them! They are perfect for each other and I can't wait for their wedding. Although I think B and I should get married soon - it seems everyone is getting engaged and they won't wait as long as we've waited. I just don't see myself planning a wedding. It's a lot of work, right?

Well, I'm in work again. Feels like I live at Chydenia. But we're making the most of the time we do get to spend together so it's all good :) And after today, there are only 4 more working days this week and then it's Sunday once again :)

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