Saturday 25 August 2012


I'm addicted to this song by Lonely Island. Every since I heard it, I've listened to it like every day. Lonely Island is all together one of my favorite bands. I know what you're thinking, 'this post will be about some fucking bands' - but it's not. I just don't know what I'm going to blog about yet, and thought this kind of boring stuff would spark some inspiration..

                                              Everyone was wearing fingerless gloves..

I'm at work right now. There's been some people in, but not enough to actually make it busy at any point, and now I'm bored coz there's no people what so ever. How can a Saturday afternoon be this slow?

The answer is - Venetsialaiset a.k.a End of Cabin Season celebration. There's a lot of people outside, especially at the Market Square for some kind of kids thing. Later on there'll be stuff for adults, like pole dancing (?) and fireworks maybe. I haven't checked it out or anything, so don't really know what's happening tonight but I know there is music and drinking. That's all you really need to know right? And being a true Finnish drunk, I'll be celebrating the End of Cabin Season at our cabin - with music and drinking. Although now there is a baby, and every time I think I'm going to get absolutely drunk out of my mind, I just end up holding the baby all night. Hmm. Why would today be any different?

Every day in work I'm amazed at how stupid people can be. It's not a nice thing to say, but I don't understand why people think we can make contracts and what not without any ID. The customers are always surprised when you tell them you need to see some ID - 'don't you believe me when I tell you who I am and give you my social security number?'. Well, no. I could walk into any shop and buy shit with my sisters social security number if it was that easy. Idiots.

I already ate. I've done some work and cleaned a little. I told S I was bored, and she told me to blog.. An amazing idea - but I'm nearly done now. Shit.

The weather was nice for a few hours today.. Actually it has been good all day - sunshine and lollipops. And now? - Raindrops and fuckedy fucks. I was really annoyed about being in work instead of being in the country, but now I'm not so sure.. It really looks like it'll rain like a motherfucker in a little while. Fuck this shit.

I'll go do something useful for a little while, but if I run out of things to do, I'll try and come up with something else I could blog about.. Like this shit was interesting. Haha.

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