Thursday 23 August 2012


It was a slow day in work, so I read blogs between doing actual work. There's an equal amount of interesting and non-interesting ones, but they all had one thing in common.. The person writing the blog, updated it every few days if not every day. Now I've been a complete a-hole for being awol.

So now I'm actually BWOP - Blogging WithOut Purpose. I have literally nothing on my mind right now.

I've got to do some laundry. And some exercise would be good. Also, need to think about curling my hair the old fashioned way - with tissue paper. It's the only way my hair will stay curly. But that would mean waking up earlier. Hmm. Shit. But I have to dye my hair. And help Emma. And eat. Hmm. Nice.

I've been using twitter again. I only set the account up to follow some celebs and shit but I never really used it. Now I've actually got more familiar with the whole concept and it's great. Mostly it's the perfect source for funny shit you want to laugh at. I haven't come across any of those funny celeb fights though.. Hmm. Maybe I should follow some drama queens. Or maybe not.

Need to do some laundry now, and probably go help emma before my food is ready. Then, HAIR!

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