Tuesday 14 April 2009

My Life On The Island

This is what I look like. Sexy, aren't I ? Just joking. I suppose I should tell you interesting facts about myself that would capture your attention. Hmm. I love to read. Since moving to the UK in July of 2008 I have read approx.
2 books a month. I know, that doesn't sound like much but trust me, the books I read sometimes are not to shortest ones out there. I also love music and because I moved over to England I had to leave my keyboard behind and I've had to learn to only listen but it's OK since I can drag B to the pub every weekend for some Karaoke.

What else do I like? Well, I love my friends, who sadly live far far away and my Boo who I miss so much who actually got me interested in writing all this useful information for all of You! I also miss my family but thankfully they love me enough to come visit me every once and awhile.
What else can I possibly say.. Something about the Island I guess. Well, during the winter it's quite wet and in the summer it's very hot. And to all of You in Finland, I am just loving this summer-like weather we are already experiencing here in England and I'm sure You will love it as well in a few weeks! Hah. Don't you just hate me now ? :)

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