Wednesday 29 April 2009

Bookshelves <3

Love Love Love! I want something like this but for books and I want to fill it up with my favourite ones so I can read them over and over again :) Love books! This would look really pretty and it's not too expensive so maybe. This is not something I normally write about but now it's a part of my thoughts as I'm trying to find something that would work really well and wouldn't be something you want to get rid of in a few weeks time.

This is what I want!

This is what I'm looking for or what would be something I would love to look at in my living room. It's not that practical so I don't know if it would work in my house, but it just looks so good doesn't it ? :) I think this is something we will get when we move into a bigger place and then it can be more of a show piece and it doesn't need to be practical :)

Haluaa <3

We really need to get some new furniture! And I want to get them in this particular colour :) I've been looking in the Internet for all these things we need and at some point we will get them. We also need to find a practical workstation. If you've got any ideas or suggestions of any in this colour then let me know! :)

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Three Little Pigs <3

Three Little Pigs :)

Here we are trying to leave the house.. One more picture and it came out perfect! How funny does A look there in the middle so small next us to giants ? :) Hah. You can see the beers B had to down so quickly on his face and I'm on slowmo :) hah.

I want to take this opportunity to thank A for coming over and making me have some fun :) I can't wait now to go home for a few weeks! Hopefully all these problems will magically disappear in the next two weeks and then I can really relax and plan my holiday. Now I must go out for a walk because it's a very nice weather outside and it's not to be missed! :)

Liquid <3

Liquid or at least a screen inside :)

Here you can see two Finnish girls starting their night with some 'juice' :) We wanted to leave the house around 9 but a certain someone could not get their drinks down fast enough :) These English people just don't know how to drink like us Finns! Well, we managed to leave the house around 11 which was way too late but it didn't matter, we wanted to go into town anyway and so we did. We ended up at Liquid and had a very good time! :)

Sunday 26 April 2009

Hot dogs and models <3

I also wanted to share this picture of the greatest hot dog I've ever had :) I mentioned it before when I wrote about Liverpool and I don't think I will get a hot dog like that until I go to New York where they eat them a lot so I'm thinking they must taste really good :) It does not look as good as it tastes but trust me, NAM! :)

In case you are wondering how well the Finnish are doing in the world, just take a look at this picture I took in Liverpool in one of the large shopping malls :) It really put a smile on my face. Cool :)

Bunny <3

Love you Love YOU! My bunny is the cutest, but you already know that :) He got a lot of attention while A was here and now I really have to spend some more time with him so that he doesn't feel lonely :) Or, maybe I should get him a friend ? hmm. Maybe a snowball bunny. One of them small, really hairy ones :) We'll see how B feels about that.. Maybe not :)

Kopparberg <3

We went to this
place B and I
like very much,
to have a drink
with A. It was
really refreshing
after the hard
work-out called
shopping :)
Kopparberg is
a safe choice
but it just tastes
so damn good
it's out of this world!

There is an International Beer Festival going on over here and we wanted to see what the Finnish beer would be like since we had never heard about it before and so we got a pint each, because it's from Finland it Will be good right ? Wrong! It tasted awful! I took one sip and f*ck me it was bad! A was determined to drink a quarter of that pint but she could not do it. I'm not going to tell you the name of the beer because that would be public slander and because I don't really like beer that much so what am I to judge one. Also, remember that I don't like dark beer at all and it's made specifically for people who like dark beer so if YOU are one of those people, than you should definitely taste it! :)

Saturday 25 April 2009

Liverpool trip <3

Here I look funky in my new sun glasses! I came home and B wanted to see what I bought and as I was showing him these butterfly sun glasses, his face said it all.. He does not think they look good on me but you know what ? I don't care because they are pretty and I love them!

The BEST fruit bowl I've ever had!

When we wanted to come home, we went to the bus stop and had to wait ages for the frickin' bus! After only having a Jumbo Hot Dog at the start of the day, we very starving and we decided to make a quick stop at the Eagle and Child in Billinge and have some dinner. It was Fish Friday which was perfect timing since A had never had Fish and Chips before and wanted to try it! Fortunately she liked it and she washed it down with a pint of Strongbow :)


City Of Liverpool

Liverpool is a pretty and friendly 'little' town hah. It is The city for shopping!
I know Boo would love to go and I hope one day it will be possible :) I highly recommend Liverpool!

We also visited the Apple
Store which had a lot of nice,
pretty and Expensive things ..

Albert Dock

The visit to Liverpool ended at the Albert Docks where we found quite a few things to take pictures of but I just don't want to share them all with you because you all should go there yourselves :)

The End

Wednesday 22 April 2009


This is something pretty I bought myself today :) A and I went into Town to do some shopping and I wasn't really looking for anything but somehow these got stuck on my hand and I just HAD to get them :) It's OK because now I can look pretty for B when we go out tonight! Spoiling yourself with jewelry is the best thing a girl could do! :)
Try it out! <3

Tuesday 21 April 2009

Thank You

Thank you MOM!
You are the Best!
Here you can see
what my mummy
brought back
from their holiday
abroad! :)

BFF <3

Best Friends Forever <3>
Today my baby Dimple made a new friend! He is getting way more attention now and he is very happy about that :) Yesterday we went to get A from the airport and now we are thinking about something fun we could do today. It's a wonderful weather outside, which is good because I heard something about SNOW still coming down in Finland ?! It's Spring everywhere else.. Come on Finland, STOP SNOWING! :) I'd better go get ready now.

Have a very nice day!

Sunday 19 April 2009

A Perfect Summer Day

Minä Rakastan Sinua! <3>

This was the perfect summer day! I've said stuff before about the lovely summer-like weather and all, but it's here all the time! Today is just the same. The sun is shining like there is no tomorrow! Here you have a picture of our favourite summer lunch. It doesn't take long to make, not if you have a George Foreman Lean Mean Grilling Machine, and it tastes SO GOOD! AND it's healthy and makes you feel better about the Ice cream you are about to eat!!! <3


I'm down here!
What are YOU looking at?
Love you anyway <3>

The summer is definitely here! The lovely, warm sunshine rested upon us ALL DAY LONG! It was the perfect day to just walk outside and have a nice refreshing drink somewhere with feel-good music like Take That - Up all Night which is the best song for this summer! It just makes you smile :) Yesterday we took the bus to Southport to meet up with some friends and we ended up getting some drinks and sitting outside in the garden for the rest of the day with a lot of jokes and music! I had such a nice time and I think I have to take A there next week she is over in England to visit me :) That'll be great!

Friday 17 April 2009

Big Easter Eggs <3

This is a normal sizeggggggggggggggggThis other picture

Easter egg in England!jjjjjjjjjjjjjhhhshows a more realistic
Just joking! Don'tggggggggggggjjjjjjjtruth :) The eggs kids
believe everything I say!gggggggghhhget are a bit smaller
Hahaha.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffhhhhthan that but still WoW!

My Easter Egg <3

I thought I'd write about Easter, a little late I know :) Anyway, this is my Easter Egg. I should probably mention that Easter is very different in England than it is in Finland. There are no children dressed up as witches walking door to door asking for candy, that is on Halloween. On Easter here, everyone gets eggs just like this one. They are quite big in size, although this particular egg is one of the smaller ones. The bigger ones are something out of this world that I have not ever seen in my life! And kids eat them! I could not even eat this ONE in one go. HAH!

Island <3

Playa Del Inglés

Yesterday my family got back from their holiday and guess who is jealous! I am! I want to go on a holiday so bad it's unbelievable! :) Well if everything goes according to the plan, then at least I get to go home for a few weeks in July. It doesn't look anything like this picture but it has everything I could ever ask for, all of my family and friends! Miss you all loads!

Breakfast <3

Da Breakfast Table

This is where we eat. We are trying to grow up and not eat on the couch watching TV. So far it's going very well and most of our meals end up on this table. :) Boo asked me to put some pictures on of our flat but I haven't done it yet so I can't put any on today but I will another time :) Anyway, here is Da Breakfast Table.

Thursday 16 April 2009

True Love

Us in Finland

On my birthday in February 2008, B gave me a ring. Now, people keep asking us when we are planning to get married and we always tell them 'when we feel like it'. I think if you are going to be together forever anyway, why hurry ? Why have a baby and get married straight away when you don't really know the person and you don't know what you want or who you are. I'm not saying it's bad or wrong for someone to choose to do so but it's just not for me :) I felt like it would be great to move in together and try it out and for us it's going great! I only hope you all can experience the same happiness I have and when you do find someone to love, who loves you back, don't let them go! You're mine forever Babe <3>

Young Love <3

This is me and B on the bus. It was a very long journey from Birmingham to Wigan but after not seeing each other for nearly 6 months, something like 8 hours does not make a big difference :) Someone on the bus did something stinky in the bus toilet not too long after this picture was taken, so we had to move closer to the front of the bus! Hah. Thankfully that someone got off at the next stop! :)

My Love

This is my Babe <3

I met my love here in England in January of 2007. I didn't expect much from the time I was going to spend here and I sure as h*ll didn't think I would meet someone while in England but life has a way of surprising you when you least expect it!
I know this isn't the best picture I could put online for everyone to see but this picture is the best to describe how much fun we have together and how he lightens up my day :)This was taken at Christmas when my parents were visiting. I was testing out the camera on his phone and as you can see he is a little cheeky by nature!

Love you forever Babe!

Wednesday 15 April 2009

Future Baby <3

Yorkshire Terrier

This is the celebrity inspired little hairy rat that I want :) Those are B:s words, not mine :) Hah. I think she is the cutest thing ever, right after my baby boy bunny. I want a lot of animals in my life and there is already a list of everything we want. :) Maybe later I'll share that list with you all HAH :) Anyway, this little thing does not require a garden or anything like that, so maybe not too far in the future <3

Cutie <3

Siberian Husky

When I first told B I wanted one of them little dogs celebrities always carry around, the first thing he said was "I'm not taking that hairy rat out!" so I thought it would be best to get both of my favourite dogs, because this dog I'm now showing you a picture of definitely isn't a small one! :) It would be great to see this 'little thing' run around in our backyard, but that would require a garden which we at the moment don't have.. Hmm. Oh and btw. in that pic the little one looks small and adorable but it does grow a lot bigger and needs A LOT of exercise so it will probably be my love B who's going to do all the running! :)

Number Fifteen

Our favourite pub!

Here you can see a picture of our all time favourite pub.The atmosphere is amazingly relaxing! The interior of the pub is quite eccentric but nevertheless beautiful! I wouldn't mind spending more time in there :) AND you can meet interesting people there.. You can read about the pub here !

On my birthday in February we went to Number F to have a drink with B and they gave us a bottle of bubbly and a shot for the Birthday Girl! That was a nice surprise. Even though B and I don't really care for bubbly, who would say NO to a free drink ? :) It was a really good birthday after that! B lost his nan that day and I lost Muru so the day didn't quite go as planned but life never does! Always remember that Everything Happens For a Reason! I strongly believe in that and it has not yet let me down :)

Tuesday 14 April 2009

My Babies


Dorothy is an European Water Snake and she is nearly 14 years old. B has been her daddy for a very long time before I came along but I'm trying my hardest to become the mummy :) She loves to swim and is a really good girl when she is not hungry. Hah.

Rest In Peace Muru

B and I once walked past a small pet shop in Vaasa, Finland and we decided to check it out. I wasn't in the greatest of moods and B wanted to make me feel better so he gave me my baby mouse Muru. Sadly she passed away on my birthday on the 28th of February 2009. <3

Baby Dimple a.k.a Fat Boy Slim

Baby Dimple came into our life in September of 2008. He was then only a few weeks old and Oh so scared. It didn't take long for this little adventurous boy to hop into our hearts.

We already have our two babies but there is always more love in my heart for a few more <3>

My Life On The Island

This is what I look like. Sexy, aren't I ? Just joking. I suppose I should tell you interesting facts about myself that would capture your attention. Hmm. I love to read. Since moving to the UK in July of 2008 I have read approx.
2 books a month. I know, that doesn't sound like much but trust me, the books I read sometimes are not to shortest ones out there. I also love music and because I moved over to England I had to leave my keyboard behind and I've had to learn to only listen but it's OK since I can drag B to the pub every weekend for some Karaoke.

What else do I like? Well, I love my friends, who sadly live far far away and my Boo who I miss so much who actually got me interested in writing all this useful information for all of You! I also miss my family but thankfully they love me enough to come visit me every once and awhile.
What else can I possibly say.. Something about the Island I guess. Well, during the winter it's quite wet and in the summer it's very hot. And to all of You in Finland, I am just loving this summer-like weather we are already experiencing here in England and I'm sure You will love it as well in a few weeks! Hah. Don't you just hate me now ? :)