Sunday 14 July 2013


On our way to Vaasa for my grandads BDay. I didn't think I'd still be rocking the crutches at this point but for one reason or another, they are still my closest companions.. In addition to having to jump around on one foot, I managed to scratch my toe on the concrete step and now can't wear shoes. Since I didn't think this would happen, I didn't bring any open toe sandals with me so I'll have to go barefoot - fucking great. My feet are such a disappointment.

I'm still off sick so have to come up with stuff to do everyday.. Being stuck in the house all day every day might sound nice and relaxing but it's driving me crazy. I have a serious case of cabin fever going on here.

It's still quite far to drive so I'm just gonna relax and listen to some music. I doubt anything exciting will happen but I'll return with more interesting information later today or a month from now.

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