Monday 15 July 2013

Rainy Days

The weather has been shit for the last couple of days. Rainy and windy - doesn't bother me, all I do is sit at home doing nothing. It could literally rain cats and dogs and it wouldn't make a difference to me.

Today I've done a lot! I woke up, watched some episodes, had friends over, had dinner and now I'm watching Top Gear. So yes, I was lying. I have done very little today.

We got home for like 9.30 last night and I was exhausted. Long day and walking around.. I'd be lying if I said I didn't have to explain the crutches to anyone and that was pretty much the only thing we talked about. Some of them are really nice and we get along but most of them I know very little because I really don't want to spend time with them. It was awesome to spend some time with my grandad and it looks like we'll be 'on a boat motherfucker' next year for his BDay - awesome!

Now it's time to start a new puzzle. It's been a few days since I finished the last one.. I should really finish reading this book as well.. Maybe tomorrow.

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