Thursday 30 August 2012

Working like a motherfucker

I'm in work right now. I'll be here most of next month as well. I'm loving it! But at the moment it's so damn quiet in here, that I can literally hear my brain shutting down.

I need to decide which phone to get. There are so many to choose from.. And now, Samsung just came out with their new Windows 8 phone, making it even harder to decide. I think I should at least wait for this Windows phone to arrive, to see what it's like. I don't care for the Nokia ones - only because I've had a Samsung for so long, I don't think I could cope with a Nokia anymore. Too many to choose from - Galaxy S 2 or Galaxy S 3 or this new one or Note or....... Damn.

That is really what's on my mind at the moment. I really don't have anything interesting to blog about - I just wanted something to do.

J just had a surgery, and is off sick, so I took Miisu and Emi there this morning before coming to work. I thought it would be nice for him to have some company for the day. He can have them every day if he wants, all they do otherwise is sleep at home bored with nothing to do, while B and I are in work. At least now they have some company and some stuff to play with. Hopefully J gets better soon!

It doesn't look promising.. We might not win this competition today. No one won yesterday, and I think the same might happen today. There's been literally nothing happening for a few hours, so it seems impossible for anyone to get to the finish line during the few hours left. Shit.

Nothing more to report. Don't have anything better for you today I'm afraid.

At least it's not raining like a motherfucker.

Jenny <3

There's a million pictures to choose from.. I only picked a few here. I can`t believe how much I miss this little girl, and it`s only been like 2 hours since I last saw her.

The party started at 5. I left work just in time to make it there for dinner. The place was amazing, the food was awesome and the company was the Best! Everyone got to hold the baby, even though it would have been quite alright with me, if I was the only one "stuck" with the baby all night. Haha. Everything went great without hiccups and everyone had a great time. I snapped so many photos, that I filled my SD card. Holy shit. But, I still have every single picture I`ve ever taken with this camera on the card, so actually I haven`t taken many pictures at all.

After the party, the family left for the summer house, while I went to my brothers to spend some time with our Dad we very rarely see. I was in work that Saturday, so I couldn`t go out to the summer house - instead I went on Saturday after work. It was awesome as always, and now there is a chance of a new summer house. That would be even more awesome. How awesome would it be, if I started using the word "awesome" all the time? I think it would be absolutely awesome. Or maybe not.

Have a great night everyone!

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Wednesday 29 August 2012

Holy Fuck

S was wrong! She was over the moon about me actually posting something, but then said that she`ll now see that Boombox post for the next few months. Well I`m proving her wrong.  There is something else.. My mum really wants the pictures I took at the naming party and I looked for my memory stick for ages without finding it, and along the way I found our old keyboard (not wireless) and our old wireless mouse.. I wanted to test them out on the Tab. WTF and holy crap - they both work! This is so awesome! I`m actually typing with this old keyboard at this very moment! Obviously the mouse and the keyboard don`t work at the same time, but there is a simple solution - adapter with two usb ports.

I had a job interview today. I`m not leaving my current job, I`m just looking to get some more work for the winter months when it`s really quiet. I really hope I get this job, because for One
- I would have something else to do than sit at home doing nothing AND get paid for it
And Two
- I would be surrounded by BEAUTIFUL things all day long AND get paid for it

It wasn`t as busy today as it was yesterday.. There`s this competition going on and yesterday we won it. I don`t think anyone won today.. But there is always tomorrow. We didn`t clean today. We should really do it tomorrow, when there is still 3 of us working - less to do for one person and also faster clean up.

I told S, I would post about the naming party, but this became about something else entirely. I shall post twice today. The decision has been made.

PS. The picture is me playing with this new app I found - Cartoon Camera.

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Saturday 25 August 2012


I'm addicted to this song by Lonely Island. Every since I heard it, I've listened to it like every day. Lonely Island is all together one of my favorite bands. I know what you're thinking, 'this post will be about some fucking bands' - but it's not. I just don't know what I'm going to blog about yet, and thought this kind of boring stuff would spark some inspiration..

                                              Everyone was wearing fingerless gloves..

I'm at work right now. There's been some people in, but not enough to actually make it busy at any point, and now I'm bored coz there's no people what so ever. How can a Saturday afternoon be this slow?

The answer is - Venetsialaiset a.k.a End of Cabin Season celebration. There's a lot of people outside, especially at the Market Square for some kind of kids thing. Later on there'll be stuff for adults, like pole dancing (?) and fireworks maybe. I haven't checked it out or anything, so don't really know what's happening tonight but I know there is music and drinking. That's all you really need to know right? And being a true Finnish drunk, I'll be celebrating the End of Cabin Season at our cabin - with music and drinking. Although now there is a baby, and every time I think I'm going to get absolutely drunk out of my mind, I just end up holding the baby all night. Hmm. Why would today be any different?

Every day in work I'm amazed at how stupid people can be. It's not a nice thing to say, but I don't understand why people think we can make contracts and what not without any ID. The customers are always surprised when you tell them you need to see some ID - 'don't you believe me when I tell you who I am and give you my social security number?'. Well, no. I could walk into any shop and buy shit with my sisters social security number if it was that easy. Idiots.

I already ate. I've done some work and cleaned a little. I told S I was bored, and she told me to blog.. An amazing idea - but I'm nearly done now. Shit.

The weather was nice for a few hours today.. Actually it has been good all day - sunshine and lollipops. And now? - Raindrops and fuckedy fucks. I was really annoyed about being in work instead of being in the country, but now I'm not so sure.. It really looks like it'll rain like a motherfucker in a little while. Fuck this shit.

I'll go do something useful for a little while, but if I run out of things to do, I'll try and come up with something else I could blog about.. Like this shit was interesting. Haha.

Thursday 23 August 2012


It was a slow day in work, so I read blogs between doing actual work. There's an equal amount of interesting and non-interesting ones, but they all had one thing in common.. The person writing the blog, updated it every few days if not every day. Now I've been a complete a-hole for being awol.

So now I'm actually BWOP - Blogging WithOut Purpose. I have literally nothing on my mind right now.

I've got to do some laundry. And some exercise would be good. Also, need to think about curling my hair the old fashioned way - with tissue paper. It's the only way my hair will stay curly. But that would mean waking up earlier. Hmm. Shit. But I have to dye my hair. And help Emma. And eat. Hmm. Nice.

I've been using twitter again. I only set the account up to follow some celebs and shit but I never really used it. Now I've actually got more familiar with the whole concept and it's great. Mostly it's the perfect source for funny shit you want to laugh at. I haven't come across any of those funny celeb fights though.. Hmm. Maybe I should follow some drama queens. Or maybe not.

Need to do some laundry now, and probably go help emma before my food is ready. Then, HAIR!

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Wednesday 22 August 2012

Long time coming

It's embarrassing how long it's been since my last post. A lot has happened. I've had more than enough time to post an update almost every day, but never did. That must really suck. Especially for S and E, who check it constantly and always get disappointed. By gones.

S had a baby. It is the cutest baby I've ever seen in my life. There is nothing as adorable and lovable as her, J. Officially she's getting "named" on Friday, and there'll be a party to go to. I'm working but I'll leave early to be there for S and J. I'll have the perfect opportunity to use my camera again. This same shit that is happening with the blog, is also happening with the camera - I have all the time in the world to use it, but just lazy out and don't. I'll blog more about the baby this weekend, when I have pretty pictures to post.

B turned 30 this month. We planned this big day for him with loads to do. He had an amazing time and it was so cool - but no pictures. Seriously! Fucking idiot. There could be such great photos of everyone who came and everything we did. Fuck. He'll never turn 30 again. Shit. I'll blog more about that some other day.

I've got so many ideas and things I want to blog about but then never do, which then means that when I haven't blogged for a while, there's even more stuff lined up. Fuckedy fuck.

We went to Kilta with E on Monday. It was just like the old days! It was so amazing just to sit down and have an old-fashioned talk - no phones, no computers. We should definitely make it into a thing. Like Tuesday Talks or something. We used to sit down for a talk at this coffee shop, but now we're older and really should sit down somewhere you can buy alcohol from - if we feel like it.

I've been waiting for Hell's Kitchen and Masterchef to come back on, and today FINALLY they're on! Just about finished with Masterchef now. I really only watch these programs because of Gordon Ramsay. Just kidding. But he really makes these programs amazing, and I think I'm on the brink of joining numerous Gordon Ramsay Fan Pages or something. I'm just so in love with his temper. OK, enough of this lovefest.

Last night we went to my parents house for like an hour or so. We brought our two lovely cats with us. We decided to leave the kitten at my parents, so they could enjoy her company for a while longer. All was well and we went to bed at around 00.30. Slept like babies until 3 - then the crying started. She cried and cried and cried and cried. I seriously wanted to kill her. Finally after three hours, I went to get Emi. Then B left for work and I slept for two hours. I can't really blame her, we took her baby away and she's a cat, so can't understand why or where her baby has gone. Taking all that in count - I still loved Miisu a little less for a second this morning, when she went to sleep on the soft carpet and I got ready for work. But it's all good now.

After only sleeping for a few hours last night, I'm really looking forward to falling back on my bed and not getting up for at least 8 hours. Good night!

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