Sunday 3 January 2010

True Blood.

Watching the True Blood Marathon. It's exactly like Twilight. Apparently Twilight is a rip-off from True Blood and that's why they're so similar. But I like Twilight more. Brother said that I should watch all the episodes of True Blood and then make my mind up about which one is better but True Blood doesn't have Robert Pattinson in it. Hmm. I think I've decided.

Since I couldn't put any pictures on earlier, here's some from our anniversary night last month. It wasn't the day of our anniversary exactly because we were both in work for that day but anyway. Here they come.

We went to Frankie and Benny's. I looked at the menu and thought, 'I should have something totally different' and so I got potato skins with crispy bacon and cheese. And because I got something like that for a starter, I decided to do the same with main and dessert.

Here's hubby's starter. King prawns and something. Looks great but I don't like seafood. He said it was really nice. Hubby loves seafood. He doesn't eat it that much (because I don't like it) so it was a really nice treat for him.

Here hubby smiling, a bit annoyed coz I told him not to start eating before I took a picture. Notice the Armani t-shirt. Hmph.

Here's my oh so delicious main meal. Mediterranean vegetable risotto. It was so god damn good! Need to get some more of that. Next time I'll get it without mushrooms though. Other than the mushrooms, it was the best risotto I've ever had.

Hubby had the salmon with some weird potatoes. I can't remember the exact reason why we thought they were weird but on the menu it said what the potatoes are and they came out like this and we thought from the menu they would be something completely different. They tasted superb!

Deciding what to have for dessert was harder than any of the other courses. Hubby got the brownie explosion or something like that. It was like a big brownie in the middle with whipped cream on the sides, ice cream on top and chocolate sauce all over. He struggled with finishing the whole thing.

Here's my Mango and Lemon Sorbet. I think it's a mint leaf on top. I didn't eat it so I don't know. But I'm guessing that's what it was :) It was the nicest sorbet I've ever had. Actually, the whole meal was one of the nicest meals I've ever had. We had such a nice time.

After the meal we went next door to the cinema. We went to watch Avatar. I thought it would be something stupid, a boys movie but it was f*cking good! I wouldn't mind watching it again. In the cinema I mean. It was such a good movie! I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

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