Sunday 31 January 2010

No more Snow.

It was snowing a little bit yesterday. Only for like 5 min. And today there's quite a lot of snow on the ground and frickin' cold outside. I thought we were done with the whole winter-theme. I guess not.

Working tomorrow and tuesday. Wednesday is death day. Tomorrow is a bad day for B. I can see this week being bad all together. I wish a had a friend from back home come over to support and love me. Sister sister where are you ?

Not looking forward to going out. Need to go to the shop coz I'm cooking my chef-fiancé dinner. We'll see how that goes down.

Watching The Hills marathon on TV while waiting on the washing to be done. I can't hear anything, which indicates that it's ready now.

Have a nice sunday night. Hopefully your week will be better than mine.

Saturday 30 January 2010

New Home. New Problems.

Moving into the new place was .. messy. The whole place is full of bags and boxes. It's going to take a miracle to sort it all out.

We finally got our bed on friday. It was the wrong one. They sent us the wrong one. So now we're waiting for the right bed to show up on tuesday. Hopefully it turns up and it's the right one. I need to build it to be ready for wednesday when I get home from the hospital. Still need to find a ride there and back. Anyone with a car ?

Watching Ice Age on TV. Love this new Sky box. Don't need to watch the frickin' commercials. Can just skip them with a push of a button.

Just did my nails. French Manicure. Had some dinner and now enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. Got asked to go out to town tonight. Don't think I'm in the mood today. Might go up to the pub for a drink but we'll see.

There are some new things going on. Hopefully I learn to see the good in bad like tomorrow. Monday is going to be rough. Tuesday is going to be rough and wednesday is going to be super rough. We'll see how the next 2 weeks play out. One of the things can only go good with some bad side effects and the other thing could go either way. We'll see.

My new bed.

And I'm thinking about painting the wall or the walls, not sure what our plans are with B's art work and stuff, but I'd love to paint it that green in this picture. The back wall. Need to get some new bedlinen to match the bed. This bed and I, love at first sight, most definitely.

Monday 25 January 2010

Moving House.

Found a new place. Moving in on Wednesday. I don't know how it's going to work out with the Internet. It could go either way really. They might come up and put it in the same day or a month later. No idea. I don't think they've got any idea either. We'll see.

Need a man and a van. Anybody got one ?

Hopefully everything will go nice and smooth. Don't like moving that much. Moving of the stuff I mean. I like it when all the stuff is in and you can start thinking about where to put everything and how to decorate the place.

Need to wake up early tomorrow and go buy a bed. Found one but we still need to go down and pick it up. Hopefully we can get it delivered to the new place. And hopefully it arrives sooner rather than later. Otherwise we will be sleeping on the floor.

Like I just said, I need to get up early tomorrow. There's TOO much to do. Everything needs sorting out. AGAIN. This is the part I hate most about moving. Wish me luck. Good Night.

Thursday 21 January 2010


The days were long and the nights so cold
The pages turn and the tale unfolds
He left me for another lady
She stood so tall and she never slept
The was not one moment he could regret
He left me for another lady

He took my hand one day and told me
He was leaving
Me disbelieving
And I I I I I I I I
Had to let him go

And it was New York, New York
And she took his heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She had poisoned his sweet mind

The wolves they howled for my lost soul
I fell down a deep black hole
He left me for another lady
She poured the drinks and she poured the power
Diamond girl who could talk for hours
He left me for another lady

Now I am on my own
He told me he was leaving
And I was pleading
And I I I I I I I I
Had to let him go

And it was New York, New York
And she took his heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She had poisoned his sweet mind

The greatest times
I don't want to hear it
Your new laughter lines
I don't want to hear it
The new found friends she introduced you to
I don't wanna know them I just want to be with you
Please do't make me go to
New York

New York
And she took your heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She poisoned your sweet mind

And it was New York, New York
And she took your heart away oh my
And it was New York, New York
She poisoned your sweet mind

She poisoned your sweet mind

Sunday 17 January 2010

Thursday 14 January 2010

Avatar. A "dangerous" movie ?

If you haven't seen Avatar yet, you're one of the few that hasn't. Now, normally I would say GO see it right now, it's amazing, and it is don't get me wrong, but there's a problem.

A whole bunch of people went to watch Avatar in 3D and now they're depressed. Apparently the beautiful world of Pandora is too beautiful and the thought of going back to reality after spending 2,5 hours in Pandora, is just too much to handle.

Read more about it here.

It's amazing. They say people are so smart and strong and can handle anything and everything, but our mind makes us very weak.


Pandora's floating mountains.

Want to hear something beautiful ?

I can't get enough of Paloma Faith. I just love her music. I've been listening to her songs all day today. Smoke and Mirrors, Do you want the truth or something beautiful, New York, Stone Cold Sober.. The list goes on and on. Love it love it love it! Take a moment to listen to her songs. I promise you, it will brighten up your day :)

Monday 11 January 2010


Just a quick update.

Went to work. It was surprisingly busy for a sunday afternoon, in this weather I mean. Usually we're busy on sunday afternoons but it's been quiet for like 2 weeks now coz of all the snow. But I can tell you now, I didn't get to stand around and do nothing, not even for one second. Which was nice, made the time fly by.

After we finished work hubby and I had some dinner at the pub. I had a cottage pie with mash and peppercorn sauce and it was to die for! I used to eat it all the time, actually, it was the only thing I ate. Then I decided I was eating it too much and should give the other foods a chance, and so I tried Carbonara. Haven't had anything else ever since. So today I went back to my original favourite and f*ck me it was good! :) Might eat that for a little while again.

After that we went down to the cinema. We wanted to go and see Sherlock Holmes but when we got there, I was like what if that Daybreakers is better.. ? So we went to watch that in stead.

Here you can see them harvesting human blood.

It's about a world where everyone's a vampire. They're trying to catch the rest of the humans to harvest their blood to feed everybody. But they are running out of humans and all the vampires are turning bad. But as always, there's one (in this case) vampire who wants to help the humans and they find a cure. The movie was like 1 hour and 20 min long, so quite short, and ended in the middle of the story. So there's going to be another one. And probably another one. And another one.. Until the end of time. Hopefully not.

Now I'm going to have some toast with egg mayo and watch this thriller with B. I'm saying thriller, but what I really mean is, boys movie about something.. who cares and someone ends up getting shot, a man and woman fall in love and have to fight the world. Same old, same old.

Hopefully you have a very nice up coming week!

Thursday 7 January 2010

Let It Snow.

I think I've said this before but I'll say it again. England and snow don't go together. The whole country has gone crazy. No one knows what to do. Schools have closed their doors, shops are shut and people have abandoned their cars. At their drive ways and street sides I mean - they don't know how to drive on roads covered in ice and snow.

To be fair, they don't have winter tires. Oh well.

I took some pics from outside our house to show you what it looks like. Too bad I don't have any video of the people saying they are freezing to death, when it's -5 outside. All I can do is tell them about the record breaking temperature in Lapland the other day. It was in the lines of -36, right ? The coldest day of the year. That's all. The coldest day here was -7 maybe ? I'm not quite sure if it has actually been that cold..

Walking out of the front door yesterday.

Front yard.

Stone wall or what ever, around our house.

The tree outside our house.

Streets everywhere are like this.

Our bus stop across the street. Looks kinda pretty. No buses though.

To be fair, again, they have enough snow to actually pile it up.

Later on when we got home, hubby wanted to do a snow angel. He was freezing to death, according to him, but I took a photo anyway. He didn't stay down long enough to take a photo of him on the ground, but I took a pic of the snow angel. You can't see it that well coz during those 20 minutes we were out, it got dark. England is starting to look and feel like Finland every passing second. Anyway, here's the pic.

Now, looking at this picture, I can't see a frickin' snow angel in it. But it's there, trust me.

I'm sure it's a lot worse in Finland. My home country.

Monday 4 January 2010

Challenging Your Beliefs.

Brother read me something funny the other day and I want to share it with you now. I could just add a link here but I'd rather write it all out for you to read. Here it comes.

Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

10. You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

9. You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

8. You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

7. Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!

6. You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

5. You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.

4. You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving".

3. While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.

2. You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

1. You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.

There you have it. I find this piece very interesting, don't you ?

I'm watching the original Doctor Dolittle from 1967 on TV. With hubby on the couch under the covers.

Went to the estate agents today to check out our options for a new flat or a house and now we just need to decide where we'd like to live. Should really look for more options online.. With estate agents it takes such a long time to get anything done. But if there were any problems with the new place, we could get it sorted quickly through the estate agent. Anyway.

They found the Great Pink Snail or what ever they were after in this movie. And apparently it's 2000 years old. And guess who's cousin it is ? I'll give you a hint. She lives in Scotland..

You guessed right. The Loch Ness monster and the Great Pink Sea snail or what ever are cousins. Oh dear. Only an English movie could come up with these kind of stories.. To be perfectly honest, it's not a bad movie, it's quite entertaining.

Here's a picture of their 1967 Great Pink Sea Snail.

That's all for now. Need to pack all our stuff. Could do with some food first. We went to the pub for the quiz last night and we only got like 30 answers right. Hmm. Have a nice night everyone!

Sunday 3 January 2010

True Blood.

Watching the True Blood Marathon. It's exactly like Twilight. Apparently Twilight is a rip-off from True Blood and that's why they're so similar. But I like Twilight more. Brother said that I should watch all the episodes of True Blood and then make my mind up about which one is better but True Blood doesn't have Robert Pattinson in it. Hmm. I think I've decided.

Since I couldn't put any pictures on earlier, here's some from our anniversary night last month. It wasn't the day of our anniversary exactly because we were both in work for that day but anyway. Here they come.

We went to Frankie and Benny's. I looked at the menu and thought, 'I should have something totally different' and so I got potato skins with crispy bacon and cheese. And because I got something like that for a starter, I decided to do the same with main and dessert.

Here's hubby's starter. King prawns and something. Looks great but I don't like seafood. He said it was really nice. Hubby loves seafood. He doesn't eat it that much (because I don't like it) so it was a really nice treat for him.

Here hubby smiling, a bit annoyed coz I told him not to start eating before I took a picture. Notice the Armani t-shirt. Hmph.

Here's my oh so delicious main meal. Mediterranean vegetable risotto. It was so god damn good! Need to get some more of that. Next time I'll get it without mushrooms though. Other than the mushrooms, it was the best risotto I've ever had.

Hubby had the salmon with some weird potatoes. I can't remember the exact reason why we thought they were weird but on the menu it said what the potatoes are and they came out like this and we thought from the menu they would be something completely different. They tasted superb!

Deciding what to have for dessert was harder than any of the other courses. Hubby got the brownie explosion or something like that. It was like a big brownie in the middle with whipped cream on the sides, ice cream on top and chocolate sauce all over. He struggled with finishing the whole thing.

Here's my Mango and Lemon Sorbet. I think it's a mint leaf on top. I didn't eat it so I don't know. But I'm guessing that's what it was :) It was the nicest sorbet I've ever had. Actually, the whole meal was one of the nicest meals I've ever had. We had such a nice time.

After the meal we went next door to the cinema. We went to watch Avatar. I thought it would be something stupid, a boys movie but it was f*cking good! I wouldn't mind watching it again. In the cinema I mean. It was such a good movie! I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.

Saturday 2 January 2010

New Year's Resolutions.

What are your new year's resolutions ? Are you actually going to keep all the promises ? I can't remember who said it but they said you shouldn't make any resolutions because when you don't or can't keep them, you'll feel guilty. So if you don't make any, you'll be better off all together.

So my new year's resolutions are.. move house. That's about it. It's the only promise I can keep.

Been to work today. Now I'm very tired. Worked so late yesterday and went to bed so late coz I wanted to have a drink for the new year. I'm only in 5-finish tomorrow so I can have a lie in.

Watching Mr Deeds. Really tired. It's taken me forever to write these what ? 15 sentences or something like that.

Good Night.