Friday 30 October 2009

Late Night.

Still can't upload any pictures. I think it's probably my security settings that aren't allowing me to upload pictures on this website. I can put new pictures on FB so it's not like it's blocking all websites. I guess that means it's not my security settings that are messed up. Annoying.

Anyway, it's half past 3 in the morning already. Should be asleep but I'm not. Too much coughing. And now hubby is sick. He's asleep in the bedroom and I'm still sitting on the couch. Watching Men in Trees. Apparently it's on at 3 in the morning, every morning. And after that I can watch Lipstick Jungle. Bad, bad, bad. Should be sleeping. ANNOYING COUGH!

New episodes of the Hills are now showing on MTV. Two weeks now. So two new episodes have aired. I don't know if I like it now without Lauren. All sanity has escaped the drama. Now it's mainly just girls hooking up with each others ex-boyfriends or current boyfriends or what ever and Spencer the A-hole is being.. well, himself really. Anyway, I'm going to watch it no matter how bad it is. Because I'm hooked. Like millions of other people. Oh and I might check out the new episodes of the City as well. That program might actually be better now that she's stopped being too trusting. Maybe.

Now I'm going to rub some Vicks on my chest, wrap the blanket around me and (hopefully) fall asleep.

Btw. I'll tell you the good and the bad about the two latest Cosmos as soon as I have a minute to read them through. There's a new one coming out soon so I'll have to step it up and read these two.. Good Night.

One other thing. These fu*kers phoned me up and said that my dentist appointment has been cancelled! So now my wisdom tooth will just keep on fu*king up everything and causing problems and pain. Nice. ARGH!

Thursday 29 October 2009

Fu*king Flu.

I'm sick.. Again.

Two girls in work were sick and I think one of them gave me the flu. Not swine flu, the normal one. I think I might be dying.

I'm not really dying. My lungs are on fire, my head is about to explode and my nose is the miniature of Niagara Falls. Therefore, death will follow.

I should be sleeping by now. 3.09am and I'm still awake. I can't fall asleep because I keep coughing and slowly dying. I gotta stop saying that now.

I still can't upload any pictures. I wish I could, coz now I've got the time for it. To make it nice and all that. I don't know what to do to fix it. Argh.

I'm watching Men in Trees. I'm so tired. I hate being sick. Who's with me on that ? E ? I know you hate being sick! Mom ? You definitely hate being sick. Let's fight the flu together and never get it again.

I wish that could actually happen. How nice would it be to never get sick ?

Depressing topic. Can't think of anything else and so I can't come up with anything better. Oh well. Thankfully I'm off tomorrow.

I'm going now. Need to at least try to fall asleep. Good night.

Monday 26 October 2009


Just wanted to check if it let's my download the pictures on but it's not letting me. There's something wrong and I don't know how to fix it. Sad.

Been to work today. All day. And back in tomorrow. Had a really nice time because we were so busy, the day didn't seem too long and I had the best dinner waiting for me at home! Spinach soup, my new favourite soup (!) and chilli con carne. And for sweets we had some Doritos and salsa because I already had some Chocolate Fugde cake with ice cream in work earlier :) I kept selling it to the customers and it looked so good that I just had to have it! :)

Missed X-Factor today but I seen the result show in work. Thankfully they made the right decision today and sent home that girl group who really sucked! Now they just need to get rid of John & Edward and we'll be sorted :) They don't know how to sing and they don't know how to dance.. The only thing they know how to do is entertain. That's why they're still on the show. We'll see what happens.. I'm on team Lucie. If you would like to listen to any of the contestants songs, go to youtube and put in X-Factor 2009.

Watching Mock the Week with hubby and getting ready for bed. Got up an hour too early today.. Didn't remember to set the clocks back an hour before I went to bed so I only remembered when I seen it on TV in the morning. I went back to bed for a bit and woke up twice as tired as I was when I got up the first time.. :)

Went shopping on Saturday. We were supposed to buy some clothes but we went out to Town on Friday night with everyone and were too tired to try anything on and so on.. So we just bought stuff for the house. Got the ironing board. Finally! How long have we been saying we need one ?! And now we've got the cutest one and I can't put a picture on! So annoying. Is there anyone who knows what's going on and could help me out ? Dear E, are you out there ? Do you know how to help me ?! :)

We also bought a new shower head. It's amazing!! It's really big so it's like standing under a small waterfall :) I love this new shower head but there's one bad thing about it..

I don't want to get out of the shower coz it's too damn nice :)

I'm going to have to dye my hair again. But they stopped selling my hair dye in Asda. The only place they sold it in.. As far as I know. So maybe I should dye my hair dark brown. Coz I had brown hair before, when I tried it out, and B kept telling me my hair still looked more red than brown but that was probably because the brown wasn't dark enough ? And so I should try a dark brown. I can always go lighter once the red is gone. We'll see how I feel on Wednesday when we're supposed to do our shopping, for clothes I mean. Hmm.

Bunny needs some attention now and he shall get some. Then it's bed time for me. Have a very nice night! I'll try to update the blog more. Maybe before I go to work, so I wouldn't be too tired to do it :) Good idea.

Good Night!

Wednesday 21 October 2009


Listen to Rihanna's new comeback single here!

I think it's good, what do you think ?

Still not working.

What's going on ? I still can't upload any photos. This is shit!

Anyway, it's my day off today but I haven't really done much. I'm supposed to clean the house before hubby gets home.. I only have like 3-4 hours left before it needs to be done. I think I can do it :) Maybe.

Everyone's getting ready for Halloween. It's going to be mad! Everybody's getting dressed up as something and walking from point A to point B and going for a drink in every single pub in between those points... and it's something like 15 pubs. Good luck! I don't know if I'm going, coz I'm not sure if I'm working or not.

I wanted to put this pic on of the biggest spider you've ever seen! At least one that lives inside your house. The spiders are HUGE in England!

Well I kinda started cleaning now. Don't know how or why but now I kinda got into the whole cleaning thing and I think I should go with it and get it done! :) I'll try with the pics later.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Rain Rain Rain.

I just wrote a message to my mom saying that it hasn't been raining that much yet and now it's raining like there is no tomorrow. I don't feel like leaving the house now but I've got to go to work soon. I think I might go in earlier and have something to eat. Good idea. And I finally have my cable now so I'm going to put some pictures on :)


At the moment I can't put any pics on because as soon as I try, the web page crashes. Now isn't that nice ? Why so many problems ?

Had enough of this now. Need to get ready for work anyway. I'll try again later when I get home for 1 in the morning or tomorrow. We'll see.

Have a very nice day! <3

Thursday 15 October 2009


So annoyed. I took pictures of our 3 course meal that my lovely hubby made us and these things we bought and now I can't find the cable to get them out of my phone.

It's not that the house is such a mess that it's like impossible to find something, it's more like we haven't organised all the stuff even tho we've been living here for like 2 months now ? We need to get all of our stuff and find a place for them where we can always find that something we're looking for.

Later on tonight or tomorrow when I find that cable, I'm going to hang it on my bedroom wall and then I'll never lose it again. Hopefully.

B is watching Matrix Reloded on TV.

Today is our day off from work so we got up earlier and went out. We did stuff like go to GT's and get some stuff we needed and then we walked down to the post office and then we walked around the Asda looking at all the stuff. It's been such a long time since we've been down there! We used to go every week and get our weekly shopping done there but now we're never home to eat the food so we just buy what ever we need from our local supermarket. Interesting information, I'm sure.

We got this rolling thing you use to paint with, and we're going to use it to paint the wall in the hall. We got quite a lot of stuff we've needed for a long time but never got around to getting it. Today was a good day :)

Now I'm gonna go look for this cable and then spend the rest of the evening cuddling on the couch, coz it's back to work tomorrow.

Have a very nice EVENING everyone!

Thursday 8 October 2009


You make me feel beautiful

Autumn has arrived <3

The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long
And soon Ill hear old winters song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall

Cest une chanson, qui nous ressemble
Toi tu maimais et je taimais
Nous vivions tous, les deux ensemble
Toi que maimais moi qui taimais
Mais la vie spare ceux qui saiment
Tout doucement sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable les pas des amants dsunis

Long Time No ..

Nothing. We didn't have internet again for like a week or so and then I got really busy with work and blah blah blah. And now I'm kinda starting to write again.

So what's happened since the last time I updated the blog..

Well just yesterday I was doing some laundry and I took them out of the washing mashine and into the second bedroom and I noticed something. The glass lid on the snakes tank was a little too open... I ran into the living room to get B and we started looking for her. We hadn't seen her for 2 days so we didn't know when she got out, was it like just now or two days ago, so we didn't know how far she could've gone. We finally found her behind the wardrobe. Drama drama drama.

I'm having two days off now. Yesterday and today. I'm off to make something to eat. After that, NAP TIME!