Tuesday 15 September 2009


Watch this and tell me if you really care about her outfits.. Her talent shines through like a STAR!

And watch the original music video for Paparazzi. At least now we know she can speak swedish... Lady Gaga - Paparazzi .

It's all about Lady Gaga.

There was a lot of talk about Lady Gaga on Twitter on the night of the VMA's. There were a lot of negative comments about her outfits but I think she was fabulous and I really enjoyed her performance! She sang her new song 'Paparazzi'. In case you didn't watch the VMA's, you can check out her performance here .

From her performance at the VMA's

And if you like Lady Gaga's Pokerface, you should definitely check this cover version out. I liked it, what do you think ? :)

Enough about celebs .

My favourite Night Clubs.. Jumpin' Jaks and Liquid. I mean, those are the places we always go to coz we know they're good.. There are a few other places and this one place that's open until 6 in the morning. But I don't think I'm going to do any partying until the morning, not in a night club at least.

Just finished eating my noodles and now I'm probably going to watch a movie. Phantom of the Opera anyone ? :)

Monday 14 September 2009

Watch this!

Just something I stumbled upon surfing the Internet .. How cute is this girl and she can really sing! :) X-Factor seems to be going great. Watch it!


I worked all weekend. On Saturday we went out after work and because it was so late going out, we got home for about 5 (?) . I was so god damn tired when I got to bed and then I couldn't fall asleep. I was super annoyed. I went into the living room and watched TV until 12 and then I left for work again. I worked all day on Sunday and got home for 10. I literally crawled up the stairs and fell asleep on the couch. I don't even know how I woke up in bed .. I must've walked to bed in my sleep.. :)

I'm still really tired but I have to stay awake or I'll mess up my sleep rhythm. I stayed awake for 40 hours. I think that really killed me. But it's OK since I had the best time ever this weekend. Now I need some rest.

One more thing. When I finally checked in on Twitter again (keep forgetting all about it) I read all about the VMA's - WTF ?? happened ? I need to watch it today. It's actually on now. Need to see it for myself.

Watching the music video for the new movie Fame. Watch the trailer here!

Also, to all of the Grey's Anatomy fans out there, watch the first 5 minutes of the new season HERE!
Can't wait for it to start!!!! :)

Thursday 10 September 2009

Last of the Sunny Days.

Tuesday : S and A came for a visit.

Hubby and I went to meet them at the train station in Town. We walked around the centre for a little while, just had a look around. We were supposed to take them to GT:s but A was feeling a little under the weather so she just wanted to get inside. And it was starting to rain. We got some food from Tesco and came home. A had a fever and everything .. So we just had some good food and watched TV. Went to bed quite early.

Wednesday : Accident.

B left for work at around 1 o'clock. We said our goodbyes at the door and I came back upstairs to watch TV and be lazy. (:P) Like 2-3 hours later the doorbell rang. I was like who could it possibly be.. It was B.

He told me he had been on his way to work, on his bike, and he made a turn and fell off the bike. Now in England you are not allowed to ride your bike on the pathway, you have to ride with the cars on the road and so there wasn't enough room for him to let the bike fall and then try to land on his hands or ass, so the bike hit a car and B hit his head on the curb! OMG. What the F*CK! :/

So we didn't really do much yesterday. We just watched TV and made some food. Later on we had a walk coz we had such a nice weather. B had a fever and he got a call from his doctor who told him that it's most likely from a trauma to the body.

He is a lot better today. I'm sure it wasn't anything serious. At least I'm hoping so.

He's home now. I mean he literally just came home from work. It's a really sunny day today so I think I'm going to take him out for a walk.

"There's always 3 sides to every story. Mine, yours and the Truth."

Monday 7 September 2009

Something Pretty :)

I love this candle. Have you seen anything as pretty as this ? :)

It's on my dinner table. Along with this.. What ever it's called :)

My flowers are dying. I have to take them out today and bin them. Need to take our bin out as well. Today we won't forget! This time we'll remember damn it! :)

Watching Eggheads at the moment and they answered wrong to this question about how many of the States still officially have or support or something like that, of the death penalty.. They answered 8 and the right answer is 38?!?! That's way more than what I thought! WOW. Nobody ever wins the Eggheads and they've won 74 games in a row and now these 5 students beat them and took home £75 000. Good for them :)

S and A are coming to see us tomorrow. Hopefully, anyway. They might even stay the night. It's possible now that we have a spare bedroom :) Hopefully we'll get as much sunshine tomorrow as we did today. It was really warm outside and really hot inside!

Need to go make some food now. I'll try and remember to take a picture. It'll be something like salmon with something and something and sauce :) We'll figure it out. Have a nice day!

Saturday 5 September 2009

He has arrived :)

Talking to my brother on Skype. He just landed in England today, with his friend A. They're thinking about going out with some of the other people at What ?! the Mental hospital ? That is where they live now. I mean, it's not a mental hospital anymore but it used to be. Check this out!

Today I had some salmon with mash and vegetables. It was great! It tasted so good OMG! My hubby should've been a chef ;) Later on when I got hungry I made myself some chicken and rice. That was also very nice :) And it all fits in with my diet. What a good food day today was :) Enough about that.

I worked last night. I had a really nice time! The people there are the best! :) It was D's birthday the other day so last night he wanted to go out with everyone and he reserved this area in JJ in Town. You needed to be on the guestlist for that party :) And that's where we went after work! We had the best time and I managed to take a few pics :)

All the other pictures I took are too dark or too fuzzy. It's not good to take photos with a camera phone in a dark night club with a lot of lights flickering. Anyway, we had a lot of fun and I can't wait for the next time :)

My flowers are looking very beautiful :) I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean. My hubby just came home from work so I'll be joining him on the couch now :) Cya!

Friday 4 September 2009

Not enough time.

Don't have that much time to do this today. I have to go to work in a min. Did my make up and got dressed. Had some lunch and I thought I'd quickly write something :)

Someone posted something on Twitter and I want to share it with you. You have to watch this video.. It's one of the best commercials I've seen!

Watch it here !

My diet is going well. No problems there yet. It's only been about what, 4 days ? So not that long but I'm willing to give it a month and then we'll find out if it worked :) I'm sure it works and I'll be very happy with the results of it :)

I better get going now. Have a very nice day everyone!

Thursday 3 September 2009

Why Not ?

Why can't things go the way we want them to go ? Life would be so much easier if that was the case. Unfortunately it nearly never works that way.

I need to find a solution to this problem quickly. I hate problems.

If you wrote a diary or in your kalender every day for a month, how many days could you write down 'no problem' ? Would you have a problem to solve for most of the days ? If your answer is yes, then you understand what I mean. I'm working on getting one whole month without problems.

I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow. I mean, I know what's going to happen but I don't know how to go about it. Argh. I hate being an adult and having problems to solve. Wasn't life a lot easier before , when your mommy took care of all your problems ? All you had to say was 'Ă„itiiiiiii' and she would come to your rescue :)

It's been raining for a few days now. Non-Stop. And the wind is something out of this world. It looks like the tree outside my window is going get knocked down by this wind. I guess it's time for autumn now ? Does it look like autumn in Finland ? You can always tell what time of the year it is in Finland. What a beautiful country.

Don't have enough time to put in pictures right now. Need to sort some things out. Argh. Want to swap lives anyone ?

Tuesday 1 September 2009

One More Thing .

Guess who was meeting me at the airport when
I got back to England...

Pretty Pretty Flowers :)

Mini Fridge ?

During my little "trip" to Finland, I also got to see my folks new place :) I never saw it the way it looked like before they did it up but I definitely like it the way it is now!

The living room


I've got more pictures but I don't want to use the one of the bedroom because someone is already asleep in it :) Hah Sorry Jari! :)

For the most of my trip I stayed in Vaasa. On one of the days S stayed with me the whole day and so we went to one of her favourite shops,
Gina Tricot.
Before that we went to H&M and she tried this top on and then we went to check this other top out in Gina Tricot and it was so much better than the one in H&M. She wanted it so bad so I decided to buy it for her as a birthday present. She turns 18 in a couple of days now! Here's a pic.

I think she looks so pretty in her new top and the "pearls" :) I got her them aswell coz she always wanted to borrow mine so now she's got her very own :) I had to take a picture so you could all see how beautiful my little sister is <3>


I'd rather have the first one.. The green colour or what ever colour it is. But I don't really know why I would need a mini fridge. They're just cute!

I've got more stuff to write about and more pictures and stories. Pictures of the new place and the new stuff.. But I won't do anything before I get the rest of the stuff :) Now I'm going to go eat my Rice Pudding (Riisipuuro) which my hubby spent an hour making :)

Have a very nice day!