Tuesday 2 April 2013


A definite sign of spring! It still gets cold at night but during the day it's warm and the sun stays out for longer every day. It's nice to know we're coming up to sunnier times - not just the weather.

It's been gloomy and it doesn't seem to be getting any better but when there is nothing you can do about, is it better just to leave it alone and move on? It's always hard when there are problems in the family but it's even harder to know how to fix something you didn't realize was broken. Maybe it'll get better with time.

One Book A Month is going great! I've now read 4 books this month and halfway through my fifth - actually halfway through two books but I decided to leave the original book on the back burner until I've read these other ones. I'm loving them and don't feel like continuing the original choice - but I will, as soon as I've read some of these good ones.

So I had my week off work and I spent most of it doing nothing - nothing but things I enjoy. There was a twilight marathon with I, shopping trip out of town, shopping in town, reading, sleeping and eating whatever I wanted. It caused a huge set back on my diet but it's the beginning of a new month and anything can happen. Don't really think I'll reach my goal if I don't seriously step up though but I'm really thinking about taking on exercising - that'll do the trick.

Now I'm back in work and life goes on as normal. Hopefully with the spring everything else will get easier.

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